How many people under 30 have the slightest idea who Chairman Mao is? However, his attitude toward any dissent or outside influence is alive and well in the "Peoples" Republic of China days away from their big coming out party.
Here it is direct from the Associated Press (A/P). The Communist Chinese are acting like Communists on the eve of the their big "coming out" party, the 2008 Summer Olympics.
How can our President defend endorsing this thuggish, morally bankrupt, totalitarean regime when even with all the world's attention shining on them behaves like this?
From dumping manufactured goods that fail to meet American and European safety standards like poisonous children's toys to supporting the brutaility in Darfur to the systematic to total oppression of their own people, it's Communist China, stupid.
May our athletes bring home the gold and perform with honor and grace. This fan will find it difficult to watch the coverage on NBC (Parent company General Electric, GE, those guys who had no trouble doing business and selling technology to Iran) whose corporate dollars will enhance the Chinese oligarchy the ultimate platform to propagandize their murderous deception presenting a sanitized illusion of the state of the art culture they pretend to be. As your writer gulps another Coca Cola, a prime sponsor of the Beijing Olympics, how many corporations we support with our purchases are heavy invested in the Grand Sham?
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