Humanity only offers three classes of people more hateful than Johnny Reid Edwards (criminals are generally depicted using their full name in the media), they are murderers, child molesters, and drug pushers. Johnny Reid Edwards is the result of the absolute dregs, the foulest, stickiest, most contemptable aspects of the "ME" generation fortified with the absolute most naked exploitation of pure opportunism, craven narcissism, no sign of any moral compass or core values to guide his life, absolute hypocracy, and crass conspicuous materialism. Any sign of virtuous behavior is so transparent, rehearsed, and contrived. For a person who has obtained absolutely gaudy wealth building the ultimate Taj Mahal of a palatial monument to his own vanity, a 28,200 sq, ft, huge mansion estate complex situated off of a winding gated service road in the middle of 102 acres of property on Old Greensboro Road west of Chapel Hill, NC. What if Edwards built a slightly more modest palace and contributed the funds to Habitat for Humanity how many poor he claims to defend could be housed? While campaigning on the theme of "two Americas" pretending to be a working class hero, Edwards has would be hired as an advisor to the Fortress Investment Group, a major player in the subprime scandal. While Edwards' rhetoric spoke of corporate greed and overpaid corporate executives, the North Carolina slime bucket amassed millions often feeding off others' hardships. For the living example of the "do as I say not what I do" leadership, John Edwards has screwed the public while conducting private affairs the same way. Edwards moral character comes from a place lower than snake's testicles.
This is Edwards' account of his recent affair:
(August 8, 2008)
In 2006, I made a serious error in judgment and conducted myself in a way that was disloyal to my family and to my core beliefs. I recognized my mistake and I told my wife that I had a liaison with another woman, and I asked for her forgiveness.
Although I was honest in every painful detail with my family, I did not tell the public. When a supermarket tabloid told a version of the story, I used the fact that the story contained many falsities to deny it. But being 99 percent honest is no longer enough.
I was and am ashamed of my conduct and choices, and I had hoped that it would never become public. With my family, I took responsibility for my actions in 2006 and today I take full responsibility publicly. But that misconduct took place for a short period in 2006. It ended then. I am and have been willing to take any test necessary to establish the fact that I am not the father of any baby, and I am truly hopeful that a test will be done so this fact can be definitively established. I only know that the apparent father has said publicly that he is the father of the baby. I also have not been engaged in any activity of any description that requested, agreed to or supported payments of any kind to the woman or to the apparent father of the baby.
I was and am ashamed of my conduct and choices, and I had hoped that it would never become public. With my family, I took responsibility for my actions in 2006 and today I take full responsibility publicly. But that misconduct took place for a short period in 2006. It ended then. I am and have been willing to take any test necessary to establish the fact that I am not the father of any baby, and I am truly hopeful that a test will be done so this fact can be definitively established. I only know that the apparent father has said publicly that he is the father of the baby. I also have not been engaged in any activity of any description that requested, agreed to or supported payments of any kind to the woman or to the apparent father of the baby.
It is inadequate to say to the people who believed in me that I am sorry, as it is inadequate to say to the people who love me that I am sorry. In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic. If you want to beat me up - feel free. You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself. I have been stripped bare and will now work with everything I have to help my family and others who need my help.
It is inadequate to say to the people who believed in me that I am sorry, as it is inadequate to say to the people who love me that I am sorry. In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic. If you want to beat me up - feel free. You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself. I have been stripped bare and will now work with everything I have to help my family and others who need my help.
I have given a complete interview on this matter and having done so, will have nothing more to say.
I have given a complete interview on this matter and having done so, will have nothing more to say.
Where do we start?
His assertion that his misconduct was all in the past occuring only in 2006 is a LIE! On July 22, 2008 at approximately 2:40 a.m. at Beverly Hills Hilton where Rielle Hunter and her love child were staying as guests, Edwards was confronted by National Enquirer reporters and attempted to wait it out in a hotel bathroom until his exit was assisted by hotel security. Just as thousands of kids report to school each day compromised by their dogs having eaten their homework, John Edward's insistence that his affair with Hunter was nothing more than an extended wild weekend two years ago.
Examine the following prime example of weasel logic: "When a supermarket tabloid told a version of the story, I used the fact that the story contained many falsities to deny it. But being 99 percent honest is no longer enough." This appears to say, two wrongs make a right. Since Edwards had behaved horribly and he alleges the news source was not accurate, that gave him grounds to lie some more and more as he not only denied accusations in the press, he cast wide aspersions against his critics and the media which discovered his terrible beahvior. This commentator is at a total loss to explain his comment about 99 percent honest is no longer enough shows the rules are different on planet Johnny Reid Edwards. Whatever happened to, "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God." Ooops, God is not a good concept to bring up in Edwards world. He'll talk church and family values while his politics and behavior suggest the most extreme degree of secularism. Mr. Edwards, the ultimate "ME" protagonist, fits the satanic image of the Devil as the Great Deceiver.
Check this out, "I was and am ashamed of my conduct and choices, and I had hoped that it would never become public." Translation: he's not sorry for what he did; he's sorry he got caught. He goes on excusing himself to restate the obvious lie, "..for a short period in 2006. It ended then." Johnny trashball, you're not overcoming the events of Tuesday, July 22 in the wee small hours of the morning. Sorry Johnny, quoting Al Gore, what "an incovenient truth." Denial or just evil? Pitty the little love child, How did one of your aids claim fatherhood not you? Were you engaged in menage a trois? Bottom line: even members of your own party and media shills believe its your child. The child's birth certificate indicates: father unknown.
Johnny, you just don't get it. It would be more adequate would you offer a little true candor and contrition; the constant waffling adds insult to injury to the thousands of dedicated followers who trusted you. To people like me who saw you for what you are from the beginning, at the risk of gloating, your current plight only reveals to us clearly the slime we've always known you to be, jerk.
What kind of man would bill his campaign $400 for haircuts and $250 for spa services in Dubuque, Iowa, and while visiting Manchester, NH another $225 at the Pink Sapphire, a salon that advertises it serves women. Are you one of those "girlie men" that good old Arnold warned us about?
Mr. Edwards you have a lot to learn about manhood. What kind of real man would solicit donations from your "working" people supporters who believe in you and spend the money on your own sick vanities? You're not a man; somehow, weasel, rat, snake, worm, cock roach, shark, and dung beetle all come to mind. It's too little too late to say you learned ..."I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic." Well DUH!!
We want to know, why have campaign officials close to you pumped so much money into the hands of Ms. Hunter housing her in elegant hiding places? Follow the money, America, follow the money.
How you treated Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards, your dedicated wife shows those snake testicles at work again. What kind of excuse is that her cancer was in remission in 2006 makes this affair any less disgusting. Andrew Young claimed paternity for the child. How convenient, and reports indicate he got walking money too. Where did that come from? Either Edwards is a criminal for diverting campaign funds or a wicked bastard using his own money. Bad is bad.
There is nothing you can explain away or twist the circumstnaces of this horrible mess that makes you look any better.
The extreme left in politics and media absolutely embracee moral relativism. Hardly had news of his statement on the affair been reported on Fox News Channel, high level Democratic advisor and former Clinton enabler was trotted out before the cameras to give the perspective your breed wants the public to have on your wicked immoral behavior. Mr. Davis screamed foul on your behalf, that your sleazy, hateful, disgusting conduct is a private matter. Davis insists we should be able to bracket all that and consider your professional conduct only.
Shouldn't we expect our leaders strive for a higher standard of behavior not parse words and lie to justify a lower standard of behavior? We do have a vested interest in our leaders' personal behavior to the extent that if they would lie, deceive, and cheat the loved ones, , how are they going to act toward serving the public at large? Should we not expect clear ethical and moral behavior?
Though Mrs. Elizabeth Anania Edwards embraces the extreme liberal politics, it's hard not to admire her courage. Mrs. Edwards has been a capable and articulate spokeswoman for the new left. There is no greater tragedy in a woman's life than the loss of a child she brought into this world, her child, Wade, was killed at age 16 when he lost control of the Jeep he was driving. Wade had just been honored as a finalist in a nationally recognized essay contest at the White House. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004 where the early results of treatment looked promising. However, more recently, in March of 2007 her diagnosis changed to stage IV (metastatic) breast cancer with a abnormality in her rib and possibly her lung. A follow-up bone scan revealed another spot on her hip. This cancer is considered non-curable but treatable, the phraseology used to describe the cancer that killed former White House Press Secretary, Tony Snow.
How can anyone calculate the cruelty and neglect of Johnny Reid Edwards and the dreadful fear, pain, hurtful emotions he has inflicted on Mrs. Edwards who has already lost her beloved son and now must carry on with what time she has left struggling with the knowledge of how her love and loyalty has been sullied by her husband, her true love since they met attending law school at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Let us all offer our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards and pray that she will find comfort and peace through her dedication to her children and investing in their future. She pledges she will continue to support her husband. Also we should also consider the plight of the fatherless love child Francis Quinn Hunter, Mistres Rielle Hunter's daughter. The child is too young to the question of who's her father remains unanswered. Edwards appears to be the culprit. Andrew Young has taken the fall. Either way, it looks bad for Edwards.
It's time for Johnny Reid Edwards to disappear for a good long time and never surface in any public capacity. Edwards must learn he is responsible for far more than a "mistake." This dreadful man of opportunistic fortune lies a trail of wreckage and slime covering all those close to him. FOLLOW THE MONEY. More treacherous and wicked behavior will surface in the days head. If nothing else the "John" Edwards saga shows us the mind of a serial liar who simply can't embrace "the whole truth and nothing but the truth" when his own words suggest apparently he believes 99% is excessive.
May justice be swift and harsh.
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