The 2008 Presidential race just got one hell of a lot nosier with the good old backslapping, insult wielding, old-style blabber mouth of a blowhard, Senator Joe Biden of Delaware to be his Vice Presidential candidate. Want to bet as soon as the National Media picks up on this they'll trumpet his foreign policy experience and we're sure to hear "gravitas."
Biden has served for over three decades in the Senate chairing the Foreign Relations and Judiciary Committee.
So much for a candidacy of "CHANGE" as Biden is about as "business as usual" partisan politics as there ever was.
No one will ever accuse him of "warm fuzzies." Surely those who were holding out hope for the Obama-Hilary Clinton dream ticket will not be happy. Those femnists who were angered by Obama's insensitivity toward them surely won't find much to like in Joe Biden who has shown chronic condescension toward female reporters and interviewers.
For John McCain, the choice of Veep becomes more pressing. He will need a very assertive candidate who can fend off Biden's vicious attack-dog persona who is strong and forceful but not in anyway mean spirited. It's hard to see Obama getting much of a bounce out of this choice. The press will surely do much to smooth off Biden's rough edges and reinvent his personality.
The upcoming election is going to be an all-out brawl assuming McCain can get off his naive quoxtic mindset apologizing for every punch to the jaw an Obama opponent lands on his smirky jaw.
All the things the Democrats and the National Press did to try to use Dick Cheney as the symbol of the guy-in-the-know who would really run things behind the scenes should in turn give fodder for how to present the Democratic ticket. Obama has no experience, nothing, four years as a absentee senator using the post as a stepping stone to seize the Presidential nomination through a phony campaign of emotionally engaging, substantially shallow rhetoric.
Additionally, Biden and McCain have a long history of being bitter rivals in the Senate. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Most of our readers are well advised that given you already have a grasp of the issues and appreciate the gravity of the election, the overwhelming danger of our proud country falling into the hands of Obama Nation, you must, must, must do everything you can to raise every bit of fear and doubt in everyone you know who has given any signs of being indecisive about this race. You do not need to watch much more news coverage on this. You know this issues. Enjoy the upcoming football season, the baseball playoffs, NASCAR, some good movies, some reading material you've always wanted to explore, some great music. You don't need any more reasons to vote against Obama. Whether John McCain can assert himself and give you some good reasons to vote for him... I'm saying my prayers. Sincerely, RMF
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