President Bush condemned Russia's "irresponsible decision" for their recognition of two Georgian territories as independent entitities, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Dmitry Medvedev announced that Russia is granting these territories full diplomatic status. All this while Medvedev all but announced a new Cold War is underway.
While Russia breaks one agreement after another in leaving Georgia and attempting to dictate their own terms for doing so, the following remark by Russia's president adds a new terrifying perspective:
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev:
"We are not afraid of anything, including the prospect of a new Cold War," .... "But we don't want it and in this situation everything depends on the position of our partners." quoted by ITAR - Tass news agency, Tuesday, August 26, 2008.
There are no silver linings to be found in Russia's recent behavior. For a country with its vast natural resources which transfer into instant wealth in the world market place, their attempts to bully the West when they could just be raking in our dollars by a little bit of competitive free enterprise are absolutely insane!!!
Russia never learned some crucial lessons with the fall of the Soviet Union, that free enterprise, open markets, and individual initiative are the building blocks of a powerful society. Power hungry bullies helped destroy the Soviet Union. They will not guide Russia on the path of re-emergence as a premier world power.
For western political and economic leaders to minimize the bellicose behavior in Moscow right now would be a serious mistake. Eastern Europe is enjoying a remarkable renaissance fueled by freedom and innovation. So much potential for great things lie ahead for the Ukraine and Georgia if the Russian bear can be contained. The corrupt powerful few run Russia right down to micromanaging the economy. Their own experience under Soviet Communism should have taught them their lesson.
Today, the puppet speaks. What happens tomorrow? If you're not scared, you're not paying attention.
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