Did Anyone Really Think After Bad-Mouthing the Bengels Organization and Demanding a Trade, Chad Johnson Could Keep His Cool in Camp for Long?

The world of sports has a new breed that is gaining members by the year and they're getting more outrageous by the season. Case in point: Chad Johnson, Cincinnati Wide Receiver and never ending camera and microphone seeking jerk. When asked to explain his behavior, Johnson once stated he felt he needed to make the sport more entertaining.
-He what?
Jerko-Smirko, it's what goes on between the sidelines and the 100 yards on the field where fans get their entertainment by seeing top quality hardhitting football. The hell with your sideline antics.
Now Chad Johnson claims he's a better swimmer than multi-gold winner Michael Phelps.
RMF has some advise for Ocho Cinco.
Dear Chad,
-A Baltimore Ravens fan who is in his Right Mind.
-How a class act like Marvin Lewis puts up with this jerk is hard to figure.
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