Sunday, April 10, 2011

Are the Democrats Going to the Dogs? Startling Evidence!!!

Florida Congresswomen with the doggie do is full of doggie doo.

Where do the Democrats find some of their leaders? Meet Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The 44 year old congresswoman is another New York Florida invader who was first elected to congress in 2004. When the Democrats need crocodile tears, count on Wasserman-Shultz to be there with her best faux-sincerity nodding her head with a stern reverent expression gushing malodorous liberal hormones. Her most outspoken positions are on strict gun control, absolute abortion rights, and hate crimes legislation. As her party ram-rodded Obama-Care through the house, she aggressively fought the Stupak-Pitts amendment which would have imposed limits on taxpayer-funded abortions. Wasserman Schultz is one of the most outspoken proponents of extreme political correctness going as far as protesting a public employee having a photograph of an American Flag pictured with a Christian Cross on her desk. As one of Nancy Pelosi’s most consistent rubber stamps, she was awarded the position of Chief Deputy Whip.

As a contrast to Republicans as the ultimate poster child for crybaby causes and a never ending nagging Nanny State, she has just been appointed Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. She’ll be instrumental in helping organize resources for the next election where insane scare mongering will be loud and shrill directed toward the Republican Party. Warming up for that, she spoke of the Republican efforts to cut the 2010 budget as creating a “death trap for seniors.’ Where have we heard that kind of nonsense before?

However, as we keep her resume in mind, there is no questioning that Wasserman-Schultz’s most obvious quality is her uncanny resemblance to a cocker-spaniel. Not only are there some noteworthy physical similarities, but her tendency to sniff and whine is also quite spaniel like too.


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