Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Obama Administration's Support of Black Panthers' Intimidation

How fair are our elections?

Most of us take for granted we can walk into the polls and vote for the candidate we choose, our vote will be counted honestly, and the end result, like it or not is what our fellow citizens desired.

Honest people realize the 2000 election controversy in Florida was a cynical ploy by Al Gore attempting to use the media and legal processes to steal an election that was ever so close in a key Florida district. While the ballot was not designed perfectly, it was clearly setup that a responsible voter could clearly indicate his or her intentions. Sadly, there are those who maintain “Bush stole the election.” He did not, nor did the coincidence that his brother was governor of Florida have anything to do with the results as it was a precinct run by Democratic election officials.

Organized labor and groups like ACORN have been successful rounding up voters and possibly incentivizing folks to vote their party line. If people are being paid or given favor to show up at the polls (or worse rounded up and bussed to the polls), that is criminal. Such things do happen.

There are districts that have corrupt election offices. Most of them are part of decadent big city machines.

Regardless, in all of these situations, the polls are safe places where once one is in the voting booth can proceed without intimidation.

Therefore, the case of Black Panthers staking out a polling place in Philadelphia during the last election wielding night sticks and menacing voters is a very disturbing development that demanded legal action. Such action was taken by the United States Justice Department in the closing days of President Bush’s administration. The issue was all but adjudicated where justice would be served until the Obama led Department under Attorney General, Eric Holder, dropped the changes.

The revelations of one of the prosecutors who resigned as a result of this dreadful miscarriage of justice are astonishing. The blatant politicization of the electoral process allowing a radical racial hate group to have its way is horrifying. Former Justice Department Official, Justice Official J. Christian Adams, deserves tremendous credit for his efforts as a whistle blower going to the press and testifying about this dreadful miscarriage of justice and the integrity of the electoral process.

As is normally the case, speak out against the Obama administration and be prepared to be villainized having one’s integrity dragged through the mud under a myriad of lies and accusations. Such is what the usual gang of Obama supporters is attempting to do to Mr. Adams accusing him of racism and an ultra right agenda. Examine the truth of the issue, you’ll find a man just trying to do his job professionally.

For more information, see the following: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,595683,00.html

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