Let's have a look at how the news media, the Obama administration, left-wing activists, and the ultra liberal leaders of the Democratic party are dealing with ordinary citizens expressing their concerns about current attempts for the government to seize control of the nation's health care system. If Linda Douglass is looking for something that smells fishy, the stench originates from the White House itself. That stench is transmitted far and wide by a sympathetic media whose selective coverage is not providing the American population with an honest appraisal of the debate or who the opposition really is.
So what’s really fishy about the health care debate? What do you feel compelled to tell the White House about what your friends and neighbors feel about the President’s fanatic devotion to stealing our privately run health care system to become yet another inhumane, inefficient, wasteful, and mediocre government operation? How can we make sense of what’s going on and join together to fight such a dangerous threat to our quality of life where government bureaucrats and petty administrators are given the power to make life or death decisions or determinations whether a person is deserving of medical treatment that could be the deciding factor between living an independent, constructive life or living out a life of misery and dependence until an untimely death? As the “great generation” enters its final days and the “baby boomers” begin to enter old age, millions of Americans could have their ability to continue rich and rewarding lives obliterated by a government managed health plan that is too over regulated with resources too limited to provide the determining medical procedure that would successfully provide for the continuation of the good life. We heard Barack Obama suggest that maybe grandma might be better off just taking more pain medication.
The unholy marriage between the Democratic Party, particularly the Obama administration, and the mainstream media stands naked for what it is as the health care debate develops. The coverage is clearly slanted favoring the administration on many levels and not documenting the public response honestly.
Why don’t they point out that labor unions and activists groups are also “packing” meetings with pro-Administration partisans who are attempting to advance the Obama agenda?
All groups that “have a dog in the fight” are going to attempt to get maximum representation at various forums such as “town hall” meetings. However, whether responding on behalf of a group’s invitation or as private individuals, citizens are coming out because they are scared and angry. They have points-of-view that deserve to be expressed.
This is democracy in action, but the Obama administration and Democratic leadership chooses to be deaf on the issue. Speaking in Virginia at an event to promote Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds for governor, the President impudently sneered, "I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them just to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess."
Shall we try to make sense of this?
The President is suggesting that everyday citizens exercising their first amendment rights caused today’s health care problems? Perhaps that’s how we should take his words. No, it’s part of a coordinated attack plan executed by the Administration and Democratic party leadership often through their surrogates attempting to demonize groups opposed to the attempts to socialize health care from the Republican Party to Pharmaceutical companies cynically ginning up what they call “the angry mob.”
Naturally, as with the Tea Party protests on tax day, Obama defenders are quick to attempt to demonize those critical of the administration as truly having a secondary agenda. Their real motive is racism. They cannot stand the notion of an African-American President. Once again, the Obama supporters in the media and left-wing political establishment are playing dirty logic through false attribution in an attempt to defuse the truth and intensity of their critics’ arguments.
Most disturbing is that what is not being reported, those groups that are showing up at meetings in support of the administration truly do have an agenda and it is centrally coordinated unlike the largely grass roots protesters they attack. The unions and groups like ACORN have a long history of staging events and packing meetings, but now reports of their activities are taking on a much more dangerous and threatening tone.
SEIU is one of the nation’s most dangerous labor unions. They have been Barack Obama’s most loyal union supporters from the early days of his campaign even manipulating the legal system in Nevada to allow Las Vegas casino workers to vote on the job, a special consideration specifically to provide a specific group of voters advantages not afforded the citizens at large. Further, SEIU and ACORN are deeply involved in common pursuits such as organizing bus trips to take their members posing as angry citizens to wreak havoc outside the private residences of executives from AIG and other finance companies they are attempting to demonize for their perceived roll in the economic meltdown.
Keep an eye out for the activities of SEIU and factions they might support for their motives are truly treacherous. Now their attempts to intimidate and discredit health care opponents is taking on dangerous unlawful proportions.
Kenneth Gladney, a 38 year old African-American conservative from St. Louis turned out at a “town hall” event sponsored by Democratic Representative Russ Carnahan. Gladney was attacked by a gang of thugs reported to be part of an SEIU goon squad.
The specter of union thugs, acting with apparent impunity, acting hand-in-hand with ACORN and richly financed action groups loaded with George Soros’s millions, using their every resource, vile, dishonest, and often illegal tactics to distort the debate, intimidate opponents and attempt to overwhelm the public into a state of helplessness stands as a haunting vicious enemy to what has long been a way too silent majority not accustomed to the theater of protest and activism.
Where’s the reportage about unions, special interest groups, and political factions lining up their troops to likewise attend these forums? These are clearly already established groups that can turnout en masse to speak to their positions. They have long disrupted and intimated speakers presenting viewpoints contrary to theirs. Maybe this time around the voice of the people is finally louder than the lunatic fringe.
While the mainstream media would seldom report events such as speeches by figures not accepted by the radical left disrupted by their extremist elements preventing these “controversial” figures from even giving their address and at times being assaulted with thrown projectiles, their reporting of every day citizens emphatically demanding answers from their supposed representatives is presented to being almost of the same sort of behavior. How quickly they dismiss and make nothing of the antics of Code Pink disrupting Presidential addresses or bursting into public hearings.
When an audience assembled to hear an address by a responsible speaker is denied their right to gather and hear someone exercising his right to free speech addressing them because left-wing activists create so much disturbance the activity is cancelled, the press attempts to justify such conduct as free speech when it is a violent intrusion violating both audience and speaker the right to carry on what they should not feel would ever be threatened by opposing forces so weak in their powers of persuasion their only means of expression is silencing their perceived adversaries.
In contrast, town hall meetings are OPEN forums conflicting views are supposed to be articulated where citizens can address their gripes and grievances with their elected officials. The media is hell bent on discrediting any opposition to their agenda through any means they can manipulate the situation to fit their desired template which presents their intended message.
Perhaps the Obama administration has even gone beyond the paranoia and contempt for opposition that created enemy’s lists, break-in’s, and a myriad of dirty tricks that brought down the Nixon administration that had just won one of the largest Presidential landslides in 1972 only to be forced to resign in 1974. Could flag@whitehouse.gov be the administration’s gross overreaching attempt to stifle and intimate the rising tide of opposition against them?
How can any American not be extremely troubled when the President of the United States authorized setting up a system for neighbors to tattle on neighbors on what might seem “fishy” in opposition to their health plan.
If ever there was a case where “the devil’s in the details” that can truly be said of the attempts to nationalize American health care. The master plan was to rush through the legislation so quickly with a sense of urgency ratcheted up to the intensity of a dire emergency with no time to spare that the Democratic majority in both houses should just jump on board, fall in line, trusting that all is in good order in the legislation, since their trusted colleagues created it, it has to be worthy of their support.
What they didn’t count on when this process started was that even with a highly sympathetic and supportive news media, the people are watching. When congressional behavior became known on how rapidly the “Stimulus” package and budget were rushed through with less than 24 hours from stimulus bill being printed and the final vote being taken cranking up trillions of dollars of Federal spending on all kinds of obscene, unnecessary programs catered to rewarding special interests. That so many hundreds of pork barrel projects could be funded yet no elected official could possibly have the time deliberate on the expenditures carefully reading the bill helped create the kind of public outrage that would start unraveling the administration’s Teflon armor. While private citizens have had to tighten their belts and have seen their wealth diminished by corruption and inattention in the finance industry and by the government, elected officials spending with no sense of thrift and amassing more power extending the government’s reach into taking over finance companies, General Motors and Chrysler, quickly the public became justifiably fearful of these same villains attempting to nationalize health care management.
The mainstream media will continue to lose its credibility until it shows true journalistic objectivity and reports both sides of the health care debate with honesty and respect. News reports have been quick to discredit opponents of nationalized health care with sweeping negative headlines attempting to lump all critics of the health plan into being subservient to Republican Party organizers, conservative talk show hosts’ persuasion, or undue influence from insurance and pharmaceutical companies. While Nancy Pelosi and her supporters attempt to argue that this grass roots movement is not the real deal, but “Astroturf” consisting of artificial outrage serving not the views of regular citizens, their contempt and disrespect for ordinary citizens serves only to further enflame their passion.
While prominent news sources quickly accuse opponents of acting on the basis of rumors and falsehoods posted in right wing blogs, what they are not admitting is that many of these blogs do not represent any special interest group, political party, or movement. Instead, they are just ordinary folks attempting to do what the media refuses to do, read through the bill and report its onerous content.
Right Minded Fellow will work hard to provide timely, detailed, accurate, and provocative information on the Democratic Party’s attempt to seize control of the nation’s healthcare system limiting choice and rationing care which is clearly spelled out in the bill. As finding credible primary information can be difficult, surely we might err from time to time, but if we provide inaccurate content, we will correct it. Our hope is to provide a sympathetic and informative voice as we struggle with one of the most dangerous attacks on our basic individual freedom involving life and death decisions as the government seeks to extend its power over our day-to-day lives.
This is a defining moment in American history. Either we continue to grow as the world’s leader with more innovations and discoveries in health care providing the highest level of care to the vast majority of our citizens or we can surrender to a system of mediocrity and government corruption and bureaucratic inhumane decision making that plagues countries like the United Kingdom and Canada who caved in to socialist tyranny. Our advantage is we can learn from their experience that this is not a place we want to go.
The deficiencies in our health care delivery system can be solved, but they are not addressed by tossing out the current system to one of government control. More free market innovation and competition for the best outcomes possible will provide the answers. While the Democrats argue for complete government control, what is so seldom is reported is how much our current health care difficulties resulted from government intervention in the first place whether accommodating the system of malpractice litigation to complex regulations, procedures, and choking documentation requirements.
Health care reform should be a very slow, step-by-step, thoroughly studied and considered process where every bit as much effort should be devoted to eliminating unnecessary, inefficient, and outmoded laws and policies before adding more regulation on top of a system already choked in red tape.
Ask any hospital nurse how much of her work is wrapped up in massive paperwork reporting, and the real picture comes in focus.
If the Democrats and mainstream media want to call those questioning the government takeover of the health care system, an angry mob, so be it. The American people have every reason to be furious and aren’t we used to the power elites’ condescension labeling ordinary citizens who don’t see the world from the detached perspective of their view from high atop their ivory towers through rose colored glasses as simply being a “mob.”
At the heart of our anger is a simple plea to the power elites, SHUT UP AND LISTEN.
The unholy marriage between the Democratic Party, particularly the Obama administration, and the mainstream media stands naked for what it is as the health care debate develops. The coverage is clearly slanted favoring the administration on many levels and not documenting the public response honestly.
Why don’t they point out that labor unions and activists groups are also “packing” meetings with pro-Administration partisans who are attempting to advance the Obama agenda?
All groups that “have a dog in the fight” are going to attempt to get maximum representation at various forums such as “town hall” meetings. However, whether responding on behalf of a group’s invitation or as private individuals, citizens are coming out because they are scared and angry. They have points-of-view that deserve to be expressed.
This is democracy in action, but the Obama administration and Democratic leadership chooses to be deaf on the issue. Speaking in Virginia at an event to promote Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds for governor, the President impudently sneered, "I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them just to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess."
Shall we try to make sense of this?
The President is suggesting that everyday citizens exercising their first amendment rights caused today’s health care problems? Perhaps that’s how we should take his words. No, it’s part of a coordinated attack plan executed by the Administration and Democratic party leadership often through their surrogates attempting to demonize groups opposed to the attempts to socialize health care from the Republican Party to Pharmaceutical companies cynically ginning up what they call “the angry mob.”
Naturally, as with the Tea Party protests on tax day, Obama defenders are quick to attempt to demonize those critical of the administration as truly having a secondary agenda. Their real motive is racism. They cannot stand the notion of an African-American President. Once again, the Obama supporters in the media and left-wing political establishment are playing dirty logic through false attribution in an attempt to defuse the truth and intensity of their critics’ arguments.
Most disturbing is that what is not being reported, those groups that are showing up at meetings in support of the administration truly do have an agenda and it is centrally coordinated unlike the largely grass roots protesters they attack. The unions and groups like ACORN have a long history of staging events and packing meetings, but now reports of their activities are taking on a much more dangerous and threatening tone.
SEIU is one of the nation’s most dangerous labor unions. They have been Barack Obama’s most loyal union supporters from the early days of his campaign even manipulating the legal system in Nevada to allow Las Vegas casino workers to vote on the job, a special consideration specifically to provide a specific group of voters advantages not afforded the citizens at large. Further, SEIU and ACORN are deeply involved in common pursuits such as organizing bus trips to take their members posing as angry citizens to wreak havoc outside the private residences of executives from AIG and other finance companies they are attempting to demonize for their perceived roll in the economic meltdown.
Keep an eye out for the activities of SEIU and factions they might support for their motives are truly treacherous. Now their attempts to intimidate and discredit health care opponents is taking on dangerous unlawful proportions.
Kenneth Gladney, a 38 year old African-American conservative from St. Louis turned out at a “town hall” event sponsored by Democratic Representative Russ Carnahan. Gladney was attacked by a gang of thugs reported to be part of an SEIU goon squad.
The specter of union thugs, acting with apparent impunity, acting hand-in-hand with ACORN and richly financed action groups loaded with George Soros’s millions, using their every resource, vile, dishonest, and often illegal tactics to distort the debate, intimidate opponents and attempt to overwhelm the public into a state of helplessness stands as a haunting vicious enemy to what has long been a way too silent majority not accustomed to the theater of protest and activism.
Where’s the reportage about unions, special interest groups, and political factions lining up their troops to likewise attend these forums? These are clearly already established groups that can turnout en masse to speak to their positions. They have long disrupted and intimated speakers presenting viewpoints contrary to theirs. Maybe this time around the voice of the people is finally louder than the lunatic fringe.
While the mainstream media would seldom report events such as speeches by figures not accepted by the radical left disrupted by their extremist elements preventing these “controversial” figures from even giving their address and at times being assaulted with thrown projectiles, their reporting of every day citizens emphatically demanding answers from their supposed representatives is presented to being almost of the same sort of behavior. How quickly they dismiss and make nothing of the antics of Code Pink disrupting Presidential addresses or bursting into public hearings.
When an audience assembled to hear an address by a responsible speaker is denied their right to gather and hear someone exercising his right to free speech addressing them because left-wing activists create so much disturbance the activity is cancelled, the press attempts to justify such conduct as free speech when it is a violent intrusion violating both audience and speaker the right to carry on what they should not feel would ever be threatened by opposing forces so weak in their powers of persuasion their only means of expression is silencing their perceived adversaries.
In contrast, town hall meetings are OPEN forums conflicting views are supposed to be articulated where citizens can address their gripes and grievances with their elected officials. The media is hell bent on discrediting any opposition to their agenda through any means they can manipulate the situation to fit their desired template which presents their intended message.
Perhaps the Obama administration has even gone beyond the paranoia and contempt for opposition that created enemy’s lists, break-in’s, and a myriad of dirty tricks that brought down the Nixon administration that had just won one of the largest Presidential landslides in 1972 only to be forced to resign in 1974. Could flag@whitehouse.gov be the administration’s gross overreaching attempt to stifle and intimate the rising tide of opposition against them?
How can any American not be extremely troubled when the President of the United States authorized setting up a system for neighbors to tattle on neighbors on what might seem “fishy” in opposition to their health plan.
If ever there was a case where “the devil’s in the details” that can truly be said of the attempts to nationalize American health care. The master plan was to rush through the legislation so quickly with a sense of urgency ratcheted up to the intensity of a dire emergency with no time to spare that the Democratic majority in both houses should just jump on board, fall in line, trusting that all is in good order in the legislation, since their trusted colleagues created it, it has to be worthy of their support.
What they didn’t count on when this process started was that even with a highly sympathetic and supportive news media, the people are watching. When congressional behavior became known on how rapidly the “Stimulus” package and budget were rushed through with less than 24 hours from stimulus bill being printed and the final vote being taken cranking up trillions of dollars of Federal spending on all kinds of obscene, unnecessary programs catered to rewarding special interests. That so many hundreds of pork barrel projects could be funded yet no elected official could possibly have the time deliberate on the expenditures carefully reading the bill helped create the kind of public outrage that would start unraveling the administration’s Teflon armor. While private citizens have had to tighten their belts and have seen their wealth diminished by corruption and inattention in the finance industry and by the government, elected officials spending with no sense of thrift and amassing more power extending the government’s reach into taking over finance companies, General Motors and Chrysler, quickly the public became justifiably fearful of these same villains attempting to nationalize health care management.
The mainstream media will continue to lose its credibility until it shows true journalistic objectivity and reports both sides of the health care debate with honesty and respect. News reports have been quick to discredit opponents of nationalized health care with sweeping negative headlines attempting to lump all critics of the health plan into being subservient to Republican Party organizers, conservative talk show hosts’ persuasion, or undue influence from insurance and pharmaceutical companies. While Nancy Pelosi and her supporters attempt to argue that this grass roots movement is not the real deal, but “Astroturf” consisting of artificial outrage serving not the views of regular citizens, their contempt and disrespect for ordinary citizens serves only to further enflame their passion.
While prominent news sources quickly accuse opponents of acting on the basis of rumors and falsehoods posted in right wing blogs, what they are not admitting is that many of these blogs do not represent any special interest group, political party, or movement. Instead, they are just ordinary folks attempting to do what the media refuses to do, read through the bill and report its onerous content.
Right Minded Fellow will work hard to provide timely, detailed, accurate, and provocative information on the Democratic Party’s attempt to seize control of the nation’s healthcare system limiting choice and rationing care which is clearly spelled out in the bill. As finding credible primary information can be difficult, surely we might err from time to time, but if we provide inaccurate content, we will correct it. Our hope is to provide a sympathetic and informative voice as we struggle with one of the most dangerous attacks on our basic individual freedom involving life and death decisions as the government seeks to extend its power over our day-to-day lives.
This is a defining moment in American history. Either we continue to grow as the world’s leader with more innovations and discoveries in health care providing the highest level of care to the vast majority of our citizens or we can surrender to a system of mediocrity and government corruption and bureaucratic inhumane decision making that plagues countries like the United Kingdom and Canada who caved in to socialist tyranny. Our advantage is we can learn from their experience that this is not a place we want to go.
The deficiencies in our health care delivery system can be solved, but they are not addressed by tossing out the current system to one of government control. More free market innovation and competition for the best outcomes possible will provide the answers. While the Democrats argue for complete government control, what is so seldom is reported is how much our current health care difficulties resulted from government intervention in the first place whether accommodating the system of malpractice litigation to complex regulations, procedures, and choking documentation requirements.
Health care reform should be a very slow, step-by-step, thoroughly studied and considered process where every bit as much effort should be devoted to eliminating unnecessary, inefficient, and outmoded laws and policies before adding more regulation on top of a system already choked in red tape.
Ask any hospital nurse how much of her work is wrapped up in massive paperwork reporting, and the real picture comes in focus.
If the Democrats and mainstream media want to call those questioning the government takeover of the health care system, an angry mob, so be it. The American people have every reason to be furious and aren’t we used to the power elites’ condescension labeling ordinary citizens who don’t see the world from the detached perspective of their view from high atop their ivory towers through rose colored glasses as simply being a “mob.”
At the heart of our anger is a simple plea to the power elites, SHUT UP AND LISTEN.
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