Two faces of the worst media bias and decpetion has to offer: Cynthia Tucker and Chris Matthews
Cynthia Tucker, radical mouthpiece from the Atlanta Journal Constitution, is a dangerous lady, a voice of the radical left in mainstream media, who despite her outrageous claims infuses the national debate with vicious disinformation, as in boldfaced lies about key issues. Just about anyone who represents traditional America or traditional values in fair game.
Her target now, of course is the protest movement against the government seizure of the health care system. Her claim is that the real motivation is racism. Interviewed by Chris Matthews on MSNBC who first characterized the protesters as a less educated uninformed segment of the population, Tucker responded by indicating that 40-65% of the protest movement is racist though she prefaced her remarks as ones she could not prove.
So how does she arrive at such figures she cannot prove?
Here’s the ultimate unholy alliance of the most radical and disruptive influences in the mainstream media doing what they do best, distorting the truth and by maintaining their sense of elitism demonizing their opponents as simple ignorant racists.
By the way, in Matthew’s build up to introducing Tucker, he presented comments from another goon in their cabal, Paul Krugman from the New York Times.
These are dangerous people. While MSNBC is not gathering much viewership beyond the committed left who turn to them to reinforce their left-wing prejudices, their content spills over to the big NBC network, the content on the Today Show and NBC Nightly News.
Watch this video for boldfaced liars hard at work:
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