The sickly bias or "slobbering love affair" as Bernie Goldberg calls it between the mainstream elite media and Barack Obama has never been clearer than their lack of coverage of Van Jones, a convicted criminal, a self-professed communist, vicious race baitor, and committed radical who served as the Obama administration's "Green Jobs Czar." Remember, the stimulus package was supposed to create thousands of "green jobs." While the notion of "green jobs" in itself is not a bad thing, considering the administration's ideology combined with a detestable figure like Jones being in the driver's seat is very disturbing.
Over the past couple weeks, the alternative media: Internet sources, blogs, Fox news, and talk radio have provided example after example, many simply You Tube video recordings of Jones' speeches, of intense hatred, extreme radicalism, contempt for the free enterprise system, and radical ideology. Further, Van Jones is yet another signature on a 9/11 "Truth" petition supporting the contention that the Bush administration had advanced knowledge or was complicit in the 9/11 attacks by radical Islam.
Anyone can simply enter Van Jones in for a Google search and VIOLA!!!
What every American needs to consider is how and why would the Obama administration appoint someone so vile to such a high profile or any post. If somehow they thought he was a qualified fellow and were unaware of his baggage how shoddy can their hiring procedures and background checks be? It is an almost impossible stretch to believe they could be that horrendous. More likely, they had some strong motives for wanting this fellow on their team. We hate to think what those motives are.
This should be front page news, but has received almost no press whatsoever among the top news papers and network nightly news. These same news sources do cover his resignation with headlines like the Washington Post noting, "Resignation Reveals Vetting Lapses."
Further adding insult was the way Jones resigned taking parting shots all the way on a holiday weekend when nobody would be watching. This fellow is one angry, committed radical whose rhetoric is more consistent with the Black Panthers than Franklin Roosevelt or Martin Luther King.
Given his spoken words are every bit as inflammatory as Jeremiah Wright's, this must be a wake up call that there is no denying, no hiding, no sugar coating that the President of the United States is a committed and dangerous radical who we must do everything to prevent from having his influence spread any further or for his radical agenda to succeed.
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