White House “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones, the self confessed communist who resigned this weekend signed a petition supporting the contention that the Bush administration either had prior knowledge of or was responsible for the 9-11 attacks. Actor Charlie Sheen, reported to be the highest paid actor on American television issued a plea to President Barack Obama urging an investigation into what Sheen believes was a Bush administration conspiracy claiming the official 9-11 report a fraud.
Earlier in the year, new Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano created Orwellian new speak to masquerade the horrors. Terrorist attacks were now “man made disasters.” The War on Terror would repeatedly be removed from the discussion and called among other things, an overseas contingency operation.
Bin Ladin still remains at large and the threat is real. Where’s the outrage and commitment eight years later?
For the almost 3000 Americans who died on that fateful day and thousands more servicemen fighting Islamic extremism, every one of us needs to come to grips with the hard reality no matter what our politicians decide to do, we did not chose this war. This war chose us.
We must condemn the cowards and traitors like Van Jones and Charlie Sheen for what they are. We cannot in anyway blame ourselves or our government’s policies for what happened on that dreadful morning. We can second guess all that could have been done to avoid the tragedy, but we face an evil enemy who studied our way of life and how we do things while we went on about our normal business. Their diabolical creativity found a weakness and exploited it to unimaginable consequences.
Until the wretched mindset that grows terrorism is destroyed, the war will continue. It could be years, decades, or even generations, but we must be resolved knowing that as horrible as America can be, at heart we are a just and good society while the Islamic terrorists who seek to destroy us are even more evil.
We can argue the tactics, but to deny the reality is sick, evil, and wrong.
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