I love the prospect of folks protesting Barack Obama but what's going on in Pittsburgh in response to the G-20 summit is a different matter. It wouldn't matter who was President of the United States, there's a crowd that is a attracted to these events like a pile of poop draws flies, and their collective intellect and value to the planet surely put them somewhere between such flies and dung beetles.
Who are these dopes and where to they come from?
They try to find boogie men in the free enterprise system, big corporations, and just about anything that is a pillar of civilization. Between the ones who identify themselves as anarchists or extreme leftists, these are not folks who are true victims of society. They are not folks who've toiled in manufacturing for years to lose their jobs thanks to a shrinking domestic industrial base. They are not folks pushed out of jobs because government regulations regulated their jobs out of existence. Many of them look like nutcase groupies for types of pop music few sensible people would listen to. They look like direct descendents from the glue-sniffers of the 1960's -- stupid spoiled rotten white kids who have no clue just how damned lucky they are for all they have but somewhere they got their wires crossed and feast on the hands that feed them who allow them to be brooding, self-absorbed punks who really have nothing to say.
There is no excuse for busting up cities, smashing windows of "corporate" entities like KFC, Subway, and others that were mentioned as places hit during the Pittsburgh riot. We see they're full of anger, but if it's because no one takes them seriously and avoids them like the plague one good look in the mirror would tell them why.
While we deplore communists, radical environmentalists, and other extremists causes, at least with some of them, one can identify a true philosophy and logic, albeit it distorted and wrong, for the conclusions they draw. What's so obvious about the morons who roam the earth for opportunities like G-20 summits for their big coming out events is how superficial their instincts are. Their attitude is everything sucks, nilhists of the first degree.
The problem is should any of them get bloodied by police response or shot dead for resisting arrest and continuing their mayhem, who gets portrayed as the bad guys in the world press?
Behavior has consequences and these lowlifes need to pay for their criminal behavior. They can demonstrate all they like in an orderly way, but when their purpose is to do nothing more than stir up chaos destroying property and preventing citizens from going about their day-to-day business, they must pay the price. A good woody shampoo is fine with me. The civilized world needs to take the board of education to their seats of knowledge.
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