No recent phenomenon reveals the moral depravity of American culture more clearly than that of reality TV mania. Sadly, what started off as crude media exploitation from an increasingly sleazy entertainment industry for the sake of ratings success has provided a vehicle for some of society’s worst losers and craven misdirected opportunists to seek their pathetic fifteen minutes of fame. Shall we call this an example of where life imitates art? However, calling this kind of programming art is truly a form of cultural blasphemy.
Here are the highlights which demonstrate reality television has contributed to the cheapening of our culture beyond belief as if the early episodes of American Idol where folks without a lick of talent get to embarrass themselves performing their pathetic lack of singing talent on national TV.
2009 began with the saga of Nadja Suleman, the infamous “Octomom.” An irresponsible slut with no means of support leaching off of her parents already had six children out of wedlock created through in-vitro fertilization. Television brought its lens in sharp focus on this pitiful loser as it was discovered she was pregnant with EIGHT fetuses that were the result of another in-vitro procedure. The nation stood gawking over the babies’ birth and wondered aloud how the children would be provided for. Meanwhile, soon shopping her tale for money, Ms. Suleman was interviewed on the Today Show and then other shows revealing a person insanely self-absorbed believing she had some kind of saintly motherly virtue than alone would provide these damned children a satisfactory upbringing. As the story began to unfold further, the sick truth became obvious. Suleman saw her situation as the ideal script for reality TV success. Her story would be so compelling, media outlets would be kissing her feet and throwing her cash.
By the end of March, her deed was accomplished inking a TV deal with the British media outlet, Eyeworks, who will, in turn, market the show to television networks. A book deal is also pending.
Soon media hoopla turned to a show that made the Discovery network a fortune as Jon and Kate plus eight rocketed to the top of cable television ratings eclipsing major sporting events on ESPN and The O’Reilly Factor. This television program took its cameras into the household of the Goselin family chronicling the day-to-day misadventures of a dysfunctional family with eight children as the husband and wife revealed themselves to be moral ciphers as their marriage fell apart on live television. Jon Goselin was found to be having (big surprise) extra martial affairs. Soon they were headed for divorce after cashing in big time on giving sickly voyeurism impulses more than adequate gratification while the Discovery Channel bankrolled millions.
As an outcome, Kate Goselin is being touted for her incredible media appeal, even being hyped as the next Oprah. Talk about exploitation.
The exposure afforded to these losers and others in this sickly media format stimulated a new class of warped sleazoid entrepreneurs to attempt their skill to gain media exposure hoping it would be the gateway to media exposure.
On October 16, 2009, during the mid to late afternoon, America stood spellbound to their televisions and personal computers as what appeared to be a weather balloon drifted across the Colorado skies apparently with a little boy aboard. Rescue crews scrambled to attempt a safe rescue as audiences gasped with each possible mishap was seen right before their eyes. Would the balloon get tangled in high voltage power lines?
Finally, the balloon was brought in for a soft landing as rescuers surrounded the device not knowing what to expect upon close inspection. No boy was found. Meanwhile, more media had descended on the boy’s family residence. The boy’s brother suggested he must have fallen out. After an exhaustive search, the boy was found safe in a box above the family garage. Later the truth came out that the whole thing was staged as a hoax. The family had made several attempts to land spots on reality TV including appearing on the program “Wife Swap.”
The boy’s parents, Richard and Mayumi Heene, plead guilty and were sentenced to jail, Mr. Heene getting 90 days, Mrs. Heene getting 20 days, for an assortment of charges related to their idiotic exploit. We can only pray their fifteen minutes have run out.
Soon America found itself fascinated with another attempt at inglorious self-promotion, the venue, the White House, the event, a formal state dinner with the Indian Prime Minister. Michaele and Tareq Salahi, a Virginia “socialite” couple forged and faked their way past security hobnobbing with cameras flashing with various big shots at the gathering even having their names announced as they entered. After their fiasco was reported, their intention to seek a spot on reality television was revealed. Meanwhile, the White House appeared totally clueless on its handling of the affair. Yes, we are well aware of the hard core reality that the Obama White House is clueless but so are a myriad of people who engage in or watch this disgusting new form of entertainment.
Next month is January, another season of American Idol awaits us. GAWK, GAWK, GAWK!!!!
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