There is absolutely nothing in the Tiger Woods drama we either wanted to know or feel we need to know but because we know, we have been changed.
There sadly seems to be no denying Tiger Woods, the world's greatest golfer, sure had his share of extramarital relationships. Other issues about his marriage seem likely to be revealed. There's talk of sleeping pills, alcohol, and pain killers being involved in the accident. The ultra-professional, good guy image that Mr. Woods and his associates worked so carefully to maintain is severely damaged. How can anyone be aware of what the media has put right in our face and not be affected?
Tiger's not the guy we thought he was, and that is sad. We've lost a great roll model. We lost a great symbol of excellence. His golf career will continue. He is poised to set some of the greatest records in the sports' history. Over time, his image will be rehabilitated to some extent, but the innocence is gone. Further his historic accomplishment for being who he is in professional golf will forever now wear a disgraceful blemish. Some how Tiger Woods comes across more as pitiful than wicked in his moral lapses.
Tiger Woods surely was overdosing on his own hubris if he thought he could be such a major figure in the public eye and carry on the way he did without some of it being forced into the public eye. Who can defend him for that?
What is so disturbing is how much the gawker media has invested in digging up every last clump of dirt on Tiger Woods' private life. What is the purpose of this?
Sure the tabloids and celebrity gossip television programs stand to make money off of this tragedy, but they wouldn't be doing what they're doing if there wasn't a ready public audience who'd consume every last morsel.
In every corner, the Tiger Wood tragedy reflects badly on those involved. We're aware of how badly Tiger Woods is diminished. The press reveals itself to be hateful voyeuristic predators. The bimbo mistresses reveal themselves as common sluts who'd serve the fantasies of a wealthy famous man at the cost of his marriage. Finally, the public at large who continue to hunger over stories and each subsequent revelation must be condemned for exhibiting such unhealthy interests in seeing a highly respected person ruined.
No matter how much we condemn the media for its rapt attention to Tiger Woods' private life, ultimately Tiger Woods is responsible for his own fall from grace. How Tiger can rehabilitate his image is hard to imagine. He must come to terms with his behavior and make amends. His public behavior must show maturity and sound judgment.
Sadly, the positive lessons to be learned are slow to be revealed. How much more can the institution of marriage take?
In this major tournament, the game of life, there are no winners in the Tiger Woods saga.
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