A Very SIMPLISTIC Look at the Current Economic Mess
Disclaimer: These are just a few basic calculations based on what's reported in today's headlines and RMF's humble feelings on the subject. There's much more to it than what we're capable of reporting, but it should help all of us accept on more personal terms what's at store right now.
The Bush Administration has asked for $700 BILLION to buy up troubled mortgages in its initial draft to help stop the escalating out-of-control economic disaster. Using the government's US Population Clock, our population is currently 305,208,350 and growing. Do the math. That equates to 2,293.52 per every "documented" man, woman, and child, rich, poor, young, old, of every race in our country. As such, the debt ceiling would have to be raised to 11.3 TRILLION dollars which works out to 37,023.89 which the government owes each one of us.
Dear Uncle Sam,
Sir, I am experiencing some financial difficulties. It's time for you to settle up your debt you owe me. Please make a check in the amount of $37,023.89 payable to.......... as quickly as possible.
Now listen to the politicians twist the numbers and assign blame. They go no further than the nearest bathroom and look in the mirror.
It's time for official Washington to go into rehab for their chronic addiction to abusing OPM (Other Peoples' Money).
There's plenty of responsibility to be assigned to irresponsible corporate executives and boards too. Their job is to make money not squander it and have the government come to the rescue. Again, so much of it comes back to Washington, DC for all the rules and red tape they've created that increasingly makes it harder and harder for Corporate America to do business in a straight foward manner. Thanks to their selfish pollitical interests, some businesses are in a stranglehold while others get away with murder.
Business is responsible for producing the best products and services possible at a competative price while creating value for its stakeholders. Government's job is to ensure that business functions on an equitable playing field. Somehow, these basic missions have been forgotten as corporations have gotten deeper and deeper in speculative ventures and government creates special privileges for some while making doing business in America impossible for others.
Life is good for the lawyers, accountants, and consultants who are tasked with untangling the mess. The result, right off the top the government owes every person in this country around $40,ooo a person because they've maxed out their line of credit and its time to pay up.
I want mine. How about you?
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