Here we go again: the numbers for Pakistan alone are mind-blowing. The issue of Honor Killing rises up again, but get this in Pakistan, there have been 174 women reported as murdered for the sake of honor, 270 in 2006, and in 2007, 280 killings. So far in 2008, the body count stands at 1o7 reported murders. Pakistan is a rather schizoid Islamic nation. Some parts of Pakistani society are quite modern as they freely elected a female Prime Minister, Benizir Bhutto. They've assimilated much of the common law and civility of their former British occupiers. Yet, in parts of some urban areas and the moutainous frontier that separates Pakistan is some of the most dangerous Islamic property in the world. Not only is it likely that Bin Ladin is hiding out in that mountain frontier, Pakistan is the only Islamic nuclear power and their government is in transition from Pervez Musharraf to the party once lead by Bhuto before she was assassinated by terrorists. Further, Pakistan headquarters many of the madrasahs that are the training centers for the terrorists of tomorrow. There is a direct pipeline from Pakistan to European capitals, particularly Great Britain, where angry Muslims flee to spread their murderous and hateful lifestyles through out the civil domain of the west.
Here's yet another article detailing the excused murder of women in the Islamic war as another Islamic culture attempts to reconcile the more humane outlook brought on by modernity contrasted with the evils of the Islamic faith's murderous past.
We have recently documented the phenomenon of honor killings, pure wickedness using the veil of a religion because female family members have not done the bidding of males in their family. Many are ones where young Moslem women refuse to accept prearranged marriages or attempt to escape abusive relationship.
The concept of family, its shared values, and in a sense American family honor comes into focus as the country learns more about Republican vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, dealing with the pregnancy, out of wedlock, of her seventeen year old daughter. Such behavior could earn her a death sentense in the Islamic world.
The civilized, moral world is challenged by the absolute evil under the banner of the Islamic faith. How does the struggle to liberate people from a murderous, oppressive, and monolithic belief system differ going after the heart of radical Islam as opposed to Communism, the German National Socialist Movement (NAZI's), or increasingly more totalitarian conduct of the Russian Government executed by Vladimir Putin? Surely, calling one movement a religion and another a government or political party makes no difference to the misfortunate who are at the wrong end of the gun of these horrible evil forces. Infiltrating the Islamic world is a daunting task for those who accept such a challenge will be executed if suspected. The Radical Islamic operatives have the idea that when their warped sense of justice is to be dealt out it's better to kill them all and let God sort out who spends eternity in Allah's supreme after life.
Pakistan is a country on the brink. Few places in that part of the world have as many advanced and modern practices in place, but there are few places where radicals are able to consolidate their wickedness to such benefit. Given Pakistan's intersection with the Great British empire, the English language is widely spoken making Pakistan the highest order of the Madrasah movement where American, English, and Canadian students of Islam go to learn the finer points of the words of the false prophet and his murderous faith.
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