Saturday, January 16, 2010

Intellectual Scum: The Conspiracy Mindset

We're probably not as evolved as we think
we are, and evolution doesn't explain
everything -- that's why it's called a THEORY!!!
Hot on the heels of Danny Glover's and Pat Robertson's ridiculous assertions about the cause of the Haiti earthquakes is an ad on Fox television for its show, Bones. The subject, there had to be a second gunman in the Kennedy assassination.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dogs and cats, and intellectually curious banana slugs, let's make something perfectly clear.
The Warren Commission told the truth. To look at the amount of research and the integrity of the members on the panel made it abundantly clear what happened on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. That there might be a few things that aren't 100% crystal clear doesn't open the door to all the wacky theories on the subject. "The Government lied." so the ad says. We'd better worry about the real lies the government is pumping out right now on subjects like health care, terrorism, and the economy and get our minds of the idiot bullshit about JFK's death.
Don't expect to know much if your source of the news is Jon Stewart and the late night talkers. Talk show hosts are first and foremost entertainers and some aren't very good at it. That there is some monolithic clearly articulated progressive movement as Glenn Beck explains it is cheap baloney.
Yes, ten agents from Al Qaeda really did hijack four airliners, two of which crashed into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and the fourth into a field in Pennsylvania. What kind of stupid asshole would believe our government turned lose the hounds of hell on itself. If you believe that, you have no right to be taken seriously about anything.
There is no Easter Bunny. Deal with it. Elvis died back on August 16, 1977.
Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon on that memorable Saturday night, July, 1969.
Pat Robertson is dead wrong, so is Danny Glover. The planet isn't perfect. Tectonic plates shift around in ways science hasn't fully mastered explaining. Science doesn't know everything. Rationalizing, that's the way God planned it doesn't explain everything. People who believe in mindless conspiracy theories have trouble dealing with the truth on just about everything.

There are the conspiracy theories that involve the "I know something the big important guys don't know" and those almost always involve the U.S. Government is the root of all evil. There's also the faith in something bigger ridiculous mindset...whether it's faith in a malicious murdering God or junk science. We're sure to hear that the "Swine" flu was created by the government for biological warfare. It's God's punishment or somehow the virus developed as a result of climate change allowing the little beasties to grow and develop in new and more threatening ways.
While we're at it, there's no tooth fairy either. DEAL WITH IT.

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