Sunday, April 19, 2009

Noteworthy News We Missed

Vince Offer (Vince Shlomi), the world famous "ShamWow" and "Slap Chop" guy was busted in Miami Beach, Florida for felony battery after a melee with a prostitute. Somehow, one of his pitch lines from the Slap Chop commercial seems madly ironic, "you're gonna love my nuts."

Apparently, the Florida hooker didn't think so. Here's an account of the episode from the Smoking Gun website. Smoking Gun seems to be the new millennium's answer for getting the dirt on people in the public eye who were once in "60 Minutes" territory.

What can you say? He insists he was protecting himself because the whore was biting his tongue something he needs desperately given his roll as the pitch man who was destined to replace the ever present blowhard, Billy Mays.

All this leaves us to wonder, why do all the products marketed by these wacko pitchmen always sell for $19.95 (plus God knows how much for shipping and handling.) While it's hard to assess the damage this arrest could have on this budding star's career, somehow the possibility of Vince Offer being the pitch guy for the next series of "Snuggy" ads seems more remote. Imagine the Sham-Wow guy as a snuggle buddy. YEOW!!!
Alas, we're domed to more auditory abuse from Billy Mays. "and the secret is...."
At least we know those "Germans really make good stuff."
Is this a "sham" or a "shame." WOW!!!!!! Just "slap your troubles away."
Witness poetry in motion, the Vince Offer ads:
This dude has a bright future in John Waters movies!!!!

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