Unlikely partners -- Franklin Graham and Cartman both subjects of hypersensitivity toward Islam.
Why are the authorities so tolerant of Muslim intolerance?
Traditional American religious tolerance is truly pushed to the brink trying to deal with what many sources supposedly speaking for the Islamic faith demand of our society. Quite simply, Jews and Christians generally don’t much like being made fun of or satirized. Some might denounce being prodded from the pulpit. But as a rule, they never make threats, other than some “fire and brimstone” Christians invoking their critics might be going to hell, but that’s where it ends.
It seems like when something is directed at Muslims, whether satire and cartoons or something more sophisticated like the works of Salman Rushdie, some step forward issuing death threats while the religious command as a whole demands censorship. Remember the flap over the Danish cartoons? They were NOTHING. We routinely see much worse depiction of Jesus.
Well, there are no sacred cows to Trey Parker and Matt Stone the creators of South Park who decided it was time to have a little fun with Moslems, one can only imagine what would happen if they created a Muhammad character like their dim-witted Jesus who hosts a local talk show.
Well, those nasty little fellows would display Mohammad in a bear costume, and for that they must die. A group identifying itself as Revolution Muslim, posted a message that Parker and Stone have insulted Islam with a gruesome picture of Theo Van Gogh, a Dutch filmmaker murdered in 2004 for making a movie about a woman who rejected the teachings of Islam. They went on to indicate that the producers of South Park would wind up like Van Gogh. They posted Comedy Central’s address and the California address for Parker’s and Stone’s production company.
Meanwhile, Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, noted Christian activist has had his invitation revoked for a National Day of Prayer event, the Pentagon’s May 6th service, due to complaints about Graham’s comments about Islam including their vicious treatment of women indicating that Islam can be “a very violent religion.”
Nothing makes the powers that be in government, media, and industry falling like dominos than any suggestions from Islamic figures that they are upset about something. We see so much effort to go way out of the way to avoid anything that might upset Islamic sensitivities where conversely Christians and Jews be damned as we see every fall when edicts are issued pushing such things as Christmas decorations out of public buildings or other venues.
Americans have the freedom to choose to surrender their freedom to be, ones who submit, as the term Muslim means, and practice the Islamic faith. The Constitution guarantees the free expression thereof. Likewise, the first amendment allows us to criticize and comment on all religions as we see fit.
There’s something fundamentally rotten in the world of Islam. Why should we be so tolerant of conduct that is so explicitly intolerant?
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