Note: We waited until after midnight so no one would mistake this for an April Fool's prank!
Pray for the citizens of Georgia's 4th Congressional district, eastern suburbs of Atlanta. Their congressman, the "honorable" Hank Johnson is concerned the addition of 8000 Marines and some family could cause the Island of Guam to "tip over and capsize."
xRemember what they say is on CSPAN and here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNZczIgVXjg&feature=player_embedded
One has to wonder if Johnson has ever been on Manhattan Island which is shorter and narrower than Guam. It hasn't tipped over yet, has it?
Now that this has made the rounds, the Congressman's office has issued a statement..it was an attempt at humor. That ocean front property in Arizona is looking better all the time!
His statement:
"The subtle humor of this obviously metaphorical reference to a ship capsizing illustrated my concern about the impact of the planned military buildup on this small tropical island."
Congressman's salary: $174,000 plus incredible benefits for life.
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