While it is an absolute moral outrage, no one should be surprised that Iran was granted a position on the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Iran, a nation that institutionalizes the torture, abuse, and subjugation of women, now has a voice on women's affairs before the world body.
While this should come as no surprise given vicious dictatorships that routinely torture and kill their citizens have found places on the Civil Rights panel, that the United States would let this happen without at least making some symbolic stance that would surely be defeated by the majority of nations that could care less how countries treat their citizens is an outrage. Furthermore, this action reinforces with Iran that they have nothing to fear from the world body as they move forward toward having nuclear bombs and the ICBM's to launch them.
To call the world body an esteemed organization or to believe its rulings come from some high minded sense of world justice is a joke. The United States must take the high road and be faithful to its long standing principles when dealing with the United Nations. We, not them, are the greatest force for good in the world even with a corrupt socialist as President.
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