Here it is folks. This is for real. Here's how low they will go.
Regardless of where one stands politically, the Tea Party Movement is a legitimate political force in the country responding to the tremendous growth of the Federal Government witnessed by the huge increase in the Federal deficit to fund a myriad of questionable government programs and bail-outs and the take over of the nation’s health care system by the national government.
The left is dead set on discrediting the movement by every means possible attempting to cast them as nothing less than a modern incarnation of the Ku Klux Klan. Give the left credit for staying on message – prominent Democrats and their apologists in the news media consistently drive home the message that the “tea baggers” (a horrific sexual practice used as a slur against the Tea PARTY) are homophobic, racist, uneducated, radical Christian fundamentalist, xenophobic radicals.
In fact, the movement consists mostly of political independents, some Republicans and yes even some Democrats who feel alienated by the status quo and seek to restore some kind of accountability to the everyday voter not the special interest groups that Washington panders to so much today.
Is it any wonder then that the left who have very little sense of ethical methodology who consistently act as though their ends justify the means would rather resort to fighting dirty than attempting to debate the Tea Party philosophy head on? Many efforts are afoot to infiltrate Tea Party events and attempt to stir up trouble in their demonstrations to create photo ops that would attempt to show the Tea Party is what they are attempting to mischaracterize them as being. They are actively seeking volunteers to stake out Tea Party events to scream racist comments, make outrageous claims to the media, carry misspelled signs, and generally stir up rancor to make the Tea Party folks look like idiots.
Here is one such example: www.crashtheteaparty.org. Follow Tea Party coverage at MoveOn.org and the DailyKOS and see much of the same in not such a direct manner.
Now, will the national media dare to be truthful and cover these blatant attempts to destroy the movement? How quick they were to identify alleged isolated episodes of apparent shouts of racial slurs and supposedly a congressman being spat upon during recent demonstrations surrounding the Capitol. Where’s the evidence? Where are the witnesses? To the extent that anything did happen, could it not be from some “plants” the left dispatched to cause trouble?
Truthfully, it’s realistic to expect the lunatic fringe to appear at any large public gathering. While the vast majority of folks involved might be perfectly good people on task, just think of crowd behavior at a sporting event and realize there will always be nuts in any crowd.
What we’re seeing is that the radical left in this country which includes the President and many members of Congress is morally totally bankrupt and they will stoop to any level to attempt to promote their treachery.
We must fight back forcefully demonstrating the power of knowledge, logic, and reason. These weapons are far more powerful than the wretched demagoguery and dishonesty they depend on for their methodology.
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