Thank God for the remote control, a 90 minute Sham-Wow
info-mercial would be more entertaining than this.
Does anyone think Saturday Night Live is still funny? When the subject turns to politics they surely lost their edge when their comedy taunting Arizona State for not giving Barack Obama an honorary degree as Notre Dame did. In fact, the segment, part of their long standing regular “Weekend Update,” amounted to nothing more than outright fawning over Obama while finding every angle possible to slam the university, but in so doing where was the humor? There was no irony, no clever angle. The formula was quite simple: Obama = miracle man; anyone who doesn’t share their enthusiasm for the “magic Negro” = stupid, unhip, bigoted, and dull-witted. It was little more than Janeane Garafulo with a smile.
This is funny, here’s part of Amy Poehler’s bit, “Arizona State, you might be overvaluing the worth of your degrees," ... "Your acceptance rate is 95 percent. You're slightly more selective than the Burger King's Kids Club."
Co-anchor, Seth Myers sneered, “Don't get me wrong, you're a fine school, Princeton Review ranks you number 17 – as a party school. As a 'school school,' you're 121st. If that bums you out, may I suggest you go party?"
Poehler then piled on, "Were you worried that giving a degree to someone as under-qualified as President Obama would tarnish the image of Sparky the Sun Devil?"
Okay, we see the sarcasm, but where’s the humor? This is simply garbage which amounts to nothing more than insider humor, left wing nuts preaching to their choir. Consider this is from NBC, the same company that has pushed its news operation both on its network programming and its cable news channel, MSNBC, to the hard left where moderates and conservatives are routinely skewered as are their fellow lefties who aren’t dogmatic enough towing the hard left ideological creed.
We tried to find a video posting of this bit, but apparently it is so dull-witted that even the most fervent SNL fans don’t find it worth sharing with their like minded dullards.
This is funny, here’s part of Amy Poehler’s bit, “Arizona State, you might be overvaluing the worth of your degrees," ... "Your acceptance rate is 95 percent. You're slightly more selective than the Burger King's Kids Club."
Co-anchor, Seth Myers sneered, “Don't get me wrong, you're a fine school, Princeton Review ranks you number 17 – as a party school. As a 'school school,' you're 121st. If that bums you out, may I suggest you go party?"
Poehler then piled on, "Were you worried that giving a degree to someone as under-qualified as President Obama would tarnish the image of Sparky the Sun Devil?"
Okay, we see the sarcasm, but where’s the humor? This is simply garbage which amounts to nothing more than insider humor, left wing nuts preaching to their choir. Consider this is from NBC, the same company that has pushed its news operation both on its network programming and its cable news channel, MSNBC, to the hard left where moderates and conservatives are routinely skewered as are their fellow lefties who aren’t dogmatic enough towing the hard left ideological creed.
We tried to find a video posting of this bit, but apparently it is so dull-witted that even the most fervent SNL fans don’t find it worth sharing with their like minded dullards.
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