Beagles were used as training bait to toughen the fighting dogs
Vick savagely destroyed for the sake of his sick blood sport.
Keep this picture close to your heart before giving this convicted
criminal your sympathy.
Michael Vick will get out of jail this week, but is he ready to seek employment with the NFL?
Our answer is an emphatic, NO!. While he has paid his price in society’s eyes serving the time he was sentenced, the next move is the NFL’s. He should now be dealt with by the league for conduct detrimental to football and face an appropriate suspension determined by the commissioner which we would suggest should be two years.
From there, he’s an unrestricted free agent, and it’s up to the thirty two NFL franchises to weigh whether his potential athletic ability after a long layoff is worth the certain public relations nightmare a team would face with his baggage. In some cities, signing Vick would be organizational suicide. Somehow, why does Oakland, the silver and black, look like a possible destination? Perhaps because Al Davis is the kind of character he is, and he’s certainly welcomed some pretty shady characters in the past.
Make no mistake about it. Michael Vick will be vilified on every road game his future team plays. Not only will the reaction in the stands be brutal, but there could surely be demonstrations outside each venue he visits for the first time.
His crime was not only something of a serious criminal nature, but the pure savage cruelty against creatures for whom people dedicate so much affection is almost impossible to forgive and forget.
We can see the ESPN gang covering his back with all kinds of focus on his playing ability and maybe even some soft interviews to attempt to create an image makeover. Surely Vick will have publicists trying to get cozy interviews with the right celebrity interviewers who will toss up softballs that will let him seem like a mere victim of circumstances.
We will never forget. As dog lovers, forgiveness will be next to impossible. How Vick lives his life from here is all important. Any attempt to make excuses or minimize his sins will not be tolerated.
The author of this posting makes no apologies whatsoever for being an absolute beagle and Labrador retriever lover. Messing with those beautiful animals who live to give us happiness is absolutely defenseless period.
God demands we show the capacity for forgiveness. This case will never be easy. Only time and Vick's behavior for now on will tell.
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