Life's simple joys, a nice stack of pancakes with butter and syrup, sausage, orange juice, and one's favorite morning wake up hot beverage. True pancake connoisseurs might appreciate honest to goodness Vermont Maple Syrup, and there are plenty of great regional sausages that are oh so special. Though it's hardly living the high life, restaurants like IHOP and Denny's put out a spread where a nice breakfast doesn't cost much but is a great start for a weekend morning road trip, maybe a fishing trip, or just something for the family to do to enjoy something better than pop-tarts, microwaved blah-blah, or cereal.
Leave it to a democrat to invade a little pleasure like this and add a little foul taste and we're not talking about chicken broth.
What's wrong with this? Where do we begin. Is Senator Chuckie "Putzhead" Schumer just doing his job looking out for his constituents or is there something a little more insane about this? Here's a letter he wrote to the President of the International House of Pancakes (IHOP). It's not that we have much good to say about the great pervert sanctuary state of Vermont these days, but Vermont Maple Syrup is a true delicacy.
Doesn't the Senator have more pressing issues to deal with? Considering the source, when it comes to Schumer this is just more of the same old sap. Maybe if he and others of his mindset get distracted on side issues like this they won't have time to do the things on their agenda that will really screw us.
Senator Putzhead writes:
Julia Stewart
President and CEO
Dear Ms. Stewart:
I write to ask that the International House of Pancakes (IHOP) offer New York State maple syrup in each New York restaurant location. I understand that IHOP’s Vermont locations offer customers Vermont maple syrup, and I believe that replicating this option in New York with New York’s own maple syrup will be both a delicious option for customers as well as a boon to the State’s maple tapping industry.
When IHOP announced the opening of restaurant locations in Vermont, Vermonters were understandably eager to taste their own delicious maple syrup atop IHOP’s pancakes. Maple tapping is a healthy industry in Vermont, and tappers in the state are very proud of their work and end product which accounts for the largest maple syrup production operation in the United States.
The people of Vermont know that nothing is better than the taste of pure maple syrup, and that is why they demanded the real thing at their restaurants. I believe that a similar demand could exist in New York, which is home to 200 million more maple trees than Quebec, Canada, the world’s current leader in maple syrup production.
Despite the abundance of maple trees in New York, the State taps 40 million fewer trees than Quebec. I believe that New York has yet to unleash the potential of its maple syrup industry, so I introduced legislation that would incentivize private landowners to open their trees to maple tappers. S. 552, the Maple Tapping Access Program could be the boost that New York needs to situate itself as a world leader in maple syrup production. An arrangement with IHOP, modeled after the Vermont restaurants, could be the perfect way to introduce New Yorkers to their own delicious product, while also opening a new market to New York tappers.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Katie Kulpa in my Washington, D.C. office at 202-224-6542.
Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator
(World Class Putzhead - ed.)
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