Uncanny resemblence at the risk of offending the animal kingdom.
The bastard belongs in jail not congress. Few public figures except perhaps Barack Obama himself find a wider separation between the myth and the reality of their true characters. John Murtha has been built up as a man who has a special sensitivity to national defense matters. After all, he served his country as a colonel in the United States Marine Corps receiving the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart twice for being injured in battle. The 76 year old veteran has served Pennsylvania’s 12th district since 1974, 35 years.
Rather than serving with distinction, few congressmen have utilized the power of incumbency and seniority in a more self-serving corrupt manner than John Murtha. Further his stance on issues fall consistently on the far left, far from the interests of the public he represents; however, being able to deliver the pork for key constituent groups, he has massaged key block votes that sustain the numbers to elect him.
Today, the Washington Post reports yet another example of Murtha’s abuse of power and slimy corruption.
This time it is family that benefits, a firm run by Murtha’s nephew, once again, the commodity is defense contracts. The irony of Murtha’s wheeling and dealing in defense business is he often pushes defense expenditures the Pentagon never asked for in the first place. The products are just goodies from firms who benefit Murtha. The company, Murtech, run by Robert Murtha Jr., received $4 million in pentagon work as a no bid award.
The Washington Post article does a good job of giving an overview of Murtha’s abuse of power and ability to bring defense contracts to his district.
If there were ever an argument for term limits, John Murtha provides the perfect poster child. That he flaunts his military service to enhance his prestige to pull off his corrupt deals makes him a particularly contemptuous figure.
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