North Korean mad man, Kim Jung Il.
Shocked and surprised, phooey!!!
Do you remember the Hilary Clinton campaign ad about the phone call at 3:00 am in the morning, something’s happening somewhere in the world and a phone rings in the White House? While America slept celebrating a holiday weekend supposed to honor those members of the armed services who gave their lives to protect our freedom, North Korea not only a nuclear bomb but also launched more missile tests. The ball is in President Obama’s court. The message Hilary Clinton, ironically now Obama’s Secretary of State, was chillingly clear. How might a President Obama with zero international experience steeped in so much radical influence handle a national security emergency?
His record so far says, horrifyingly poorly.
Consider just one issue, closing the terrorist detainment camp at Guantanamo Bay. President Obama issued an executive order within hours of taking office to close that facility within one year. He made this commitment without having compiled an implementation plan or having shown any notion of how he planned to accomplish that goal, but he still had a budget figure in mind which he expected Congress to fund. Even our spend-crazy legislators balked at this proposition – offer up Federal money without knowing what their authorization was for.
The Obama administration’s stance on North Korea has been vague and lacking any kick. Is this another example of where Barack Obama, in his extreme vanity, has convinced himself that all will be well once he has the chance to talk with the mad dictator? Surely KIM Jung Il got his feelings hurt by the previous administration. He has never been reasoned with the way a self-confident Barack Obama could show him the way. The administration’s smugness and lack of a sense of urgency in the face of constant threats from this renegade state should have every American or world citizen who could be the target of a North Korean, Iranian or any twisted nation capable of buying arms from Jung Il absolutely mortified of the possible consequences.
Now it’s time for the civilized war to respond…
North Korea is a pathetic mess. A nation of 23 ½ million people, the vast majority of its population lives in severe poverty starved by a corrupt, tyrannical dictator whose erratic mad behavior threatens the world’s safety. Few things tell the story of North Korea better than nocturnal satellite imagery which shows a lit up South Korea after dark with thriving active cities after dark while its orphaned sister nation languishes in virtual darkness. The other frequently showed images are from the center of its capital city, is of massive military expositions where thousands of stone faced robotic soldiers march in zombie like precision reflecting the total control and lack of individuality in this horrific terrorist state. To further drive home how isolated the North Korean culture is, only 1.18 telephones, all on a crude land line system, are in use.
Calling their dictator KIM Jung Il a mad man is a worn out understatement. The danger his behavior poses the rest of the world is as undeniable as it is unpredictable. What could be more terrifying than a nation detached from the world economy offering virtually no in demand commodities for the world economy shopping its military hardware to the highest bidder?
Enter the other country with an equally mad dictator, Iran, hell bent on massive armament seeking its own nuclear weapons and strategic missile program. That these two countries should be developing such a cozy relationship should stimulate pure terror in the rest of the world as no country within the range of their potential weapons delivery range can find itself safe.
The world community must respond NOW. There can be no wiggle room. A deranged dictator cannot spread his influence too far without outside enablers and clearly KIM Jung Il’s enabler is the totalitarian regime of Red China. What North Korea can’t provide for itself in food and energy is provided generously by the Beijing potentates. Clearly, if China saw Korea as a threat and sought to rectify troubles in the small country on its southeastern frontier, it could do so with the snap of a finger.
Clearly, the Chinese government feels it has something to gain propping up KIM Jung Il’s mad regime. While the rest of the world scrambles to respond to the North Korean threat, China consolidates its gains and counts its money. If the world is going to succeed in bring this bizarre dictator to his knees, they will have to do so through China, and so far China has acted like it could care less.
Just how much negotiations capital does the United States have to compel China to support the civilized world’s desire to eliminate the threat of a possible North Korean nuclear arms and long range missile market? Clearly the answer is very little since China is one of the largest investors in buying American debt. On one level, the Communist Chinese own us. They knew darned well they were buying our debt knowing they were also buying influence.
The North Korean menace must be met head on right NOW. It doesn’t matter how much the rest of the world waffles, it is gut check time where the United States, Japan, and South Korea must lead the world’s response to eliminate the North Korean threat. Not only is South Korea’s thriving industrial economy at stake with its capital city, Seoul just a shot away from the North Korean border, Japan sits across a short expanse of water increasing more in range of the madman’s power of destruction.
The civilized world under the leadership of the United States and Japan can take no option off the table and cannot rule out any kind of response including direct strikes to wipeout Korean weapon making capability.
Estimates indicate the bombs tested possessed the power of the ones used against Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II, bombs that could obliterate a modest sized city.
What Korea could do with this power is frightening enough, but today it’s North Korea, tomorrow it’s Iran, and in those hands with their stated intention to wipe Israel off the map, the world’s safety and stability is in the gun sight of an Islamic extremist who sees world events in such bizarre divine sanctioned terms.
What the Obama mindset refuses to understand is that our rhetoric, our brilliantly composed diplomatic and legal briefs are of no consequence to KIM Jung Il or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Anything short of guns trained on their foreheads are seen as laughable signs of weakness versus their wicked designs.
Anyone who thinks KIM Jung Il has any moral reservations against selling his weapons to Iran or even the Taliban or Al Qaeda is sorely mistaken?
While our liberal leaders are more upset about a known conspirator with the blood of 3000 Americans on his hands getting a little bit of water shot up his nose, that same mindset refuses to recognize that there is real evil in this world. These dictators are not misunderstood or simply reacting against what they perceive as unfair treatment by western exploitation. They are genuinely pure evil. They are a threat against all life within their range. They understand brute strength and little else. They must be ruthlessly destroyed before their capacity to deliver their amassing powers of mass destruction.
We have no confidence Barack Obama has the intellect or will to effectively deal with this undeniable threat. He cannot sweet talk or campaign his way out of this one. A loaded teleprompter is no substitute for a loaded cruise missile – destination North Korea.
The future is now. The time to act decisively is now. There is no wiggle room.
His record so far says, horrifyingly poorly.
Consider just one issue, closing the terrorist detainment camp at Guantanamo Bay. President Obama issued an executive order within hours of taking office to close that facility within one year. He made this commitment without having compiled an implementation plan or having shown any notion of how he planned to accomplish that goal, but he still had a budget figure in mind which he expected Congress to fund. Even our spend-crazy legislators balked at this proposition – offer up Federal money without knowing what their authorization was for.
The Obama administration’s stance on North Korea has been vague and lacking any kick. Is this another example of where Barack Obama, in his extreme vanity, has convinced himself that all will be well once he has the chance to talk with the mad dictator? Surely KIM Jung Il got his feelings hurt by the previous administration. He has never been reasoned with the way a self-confident Barack Obama could show him the way. The administration’s smugness and lack of a sense of urgency in the face of constant threats from this renegade state should have every American or world citizen who could be the target of a North Korean, Iranian or any twisted nation capable of buying arms from Jung Il absolutely mortified of the possible consequences.
Now it’s time for the civilized war to respond…
North Korea is a pathetic mess. A nation of 23 ½ million people, the vast majority of its population lives in severe poverty starved by a corrupt, tyrannical dictator whose erratic mad behavior threatens the world’s safety. Few things tell the story of North Korea better than nocturnal satellite imagery which shows a lit up South Korea after dark with thriving active cities after dark while its orphaned sister nation languishes in virtual darkness. The other frequently showed images are from the center of its capital city, is of massive military expositions where thousands of stone faced robotic soldiers march in zombie like precision reflecting the total control and lack of individuality in this horrific terrorist state. To further drive home how isolated the North Korean culture is, only 1.18 telephones, all on a crude land line system, are in use.
Calling their dictator KIM Jung Il a mad man is a worn out understatement. The danger his behavior poses the rest of the world is as undeniable as it is unpredictable. What could be more terrifying than a nation detached from the world economy offering virtually no in demand commodities for the world economy shopping its military hardware to the highest bidder?
Enter the other country with an equally mad dictator, Iran, hell bent on massive armament seeking its own nuclear weapons and strategic missile program. That these two countries should be developing such a cozy relationship should stimulate pure terror in the rest of the world as no country within the range of their potential weapons delivery range can find itself safe.
The world community must respond NOW. There can be no wiggle room. A deranged dictator cannot spread his influence too far without outside enablers and clearly KIM Jung Il’s enabler is the totalitarian regime of Red China. What North Korea can’t provide for itself in food and energy is provided generously by the Beijing potentates. Clearly, if China saw Korea as a threat and sought to rectify troubles in the small country on its southeastern frontier, it could do so with the snap of a finger.
Clearly, the Chinese government feels it has something to gain propping up KIM Jung Il’s mad regime. While the rest of the world scrambles to respond to the North Korean threat, China consolidates its gains and counts its money. If the world is going to succeed in bring this bizarre dictator to his knees, they will have to do so through China, and so far China has acted like it could care less.
Just how much negotiations capital does the United States have to compel China to support the civilized world’s desire to eliminate the threat of a possible North Korean nuclear arms and long range missile market? Clearly the answer is very little since China is one of the largest investors in buying American debt. On one level, the Communist Chinese own us. They knew darned well they were buying our debt knowing they were also buying influence.
The North Korean menace must be met head on right NOW. It doesn’t matter how much the rest of the world waffles, it is gut check time where the United States, Japan, and South Korea must lead the world’s response to eliminate the North Korean threat. Not only is South Korea’s thriving industrial economy at stake with its capital city, Seoul just a shot away from the North Korean border, Japan sits across a short expanse of water increasing more in range of the madman’s power of destruction.
The civilized world under the leadership of the United States and Japan can take no option off the table and cannot rule out any kind of response including direct strikes to wipeout Korean weapon making capability.
Estimates indicate the bombs tested possessed the power of the ones used against Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II, bombs that could obliterate a modest sized city.
What Korea could do with this power is frightening enough, but today it’s North Korea, tomorrow it’s Iran, and in those hands with their stated intention to wipe Israel off the map, the world’s safety and stability is in the gun sight of an Islamic extremist who sees world events in such bizarre divine sanctioned terms.
What the Obama mindset refuses to understand is that our rhetoric, our brilliantly composed diplomatic and legal briefs are of no consequence to KIM Jung Il or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Anything short of guns trained on their foreheads are seen as laughable signs of weakness versus their wicked designs.
Anyone who thinks KIM Jung Il has any moral reservations against selling his weapons to Iran or even the Taliban or Al Qaeda is sorely mistaken?
While our liberal leaders are more upset about a known conspirator with the blood of 3000 Americans on his hands getting a little bit of water shot up his nose, that same mindset refuses to recognize that there is real evil in this world. These dictators are not misunderstood or simply reacting against what they perceive as unfair treatment by western exploitation. They are genuinely pure evil. They are a threat against all life within their range. They understand brute strength and little else. They must be ruthlessly destroyed before their capacity to deliver their amassing powers of mass destruction.
We have no confidence Barack Obama has the intellect or will to effectively deal with this undeniable threat. He cannot sweet talk or campaign his way out of this one. A loaded teleprompter is no substitute for a loaded cruise missile – destination North Korea.
The future is now. The time to act decisively is now. There is no wiggle room.
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