Just how low can things go in today's society? The hate mongers on the far left will stop at nothing to embarass and discredit anyone who doesn't share their warped sick view of the world. Needless to say, Republican VP candidate, Sarah Palin, provides a perfect target for their mischief.
The story is quite simple. Sarah Palin maintained a yahoo.com email account for personal messages. This email was hacked. The results were published on http://www.gawker.com/, a website supposedly dedicated itself to be, "The source for daily Manhattan media news and gossip..."
Time magazine's website attributes the hacking to the anti-religious organization, Anonymous, who've largely dedicated their efforts against Scientology but is another one of the extreme "protest" groups who find any means are okay to justify their nebulous means.
See the following link for Time magazine's garbage: http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1842097,00.html
What's fascinating about the Time piece is how it starts off as a report on Ms. Palin's email being hacked. Nowhere in the article does the article indicate such hacking is a Federal crime subject to prosecution. Quickly, the article transitions to discussion of whether Palin used her private email to conduct state business which they assert could represent criminal activity on her part. Finally, the article finishes on John McCain's confession of being a computer illiterate on whether he prefers PC or Mac.
The story, is the Republican Vice Presidential Candidate had her personal email hacked by CRIMINALS. She was the victim of a vicious crime designed to embarass and discredit her. Further, a well-known website chose to spread the "gossip" further deepening the ruthless attack on Ms. Palin.
How bad can it get? Any kind of slime directed toward public figures representing traditional American values seems to be fair game even if its criminal. A popular website has no reservations about publishing material obtained illegally. Finally, one of the nation's top news sources, Time magazine, same company as CNN, uses reporting this episode as a chance to bash the Republican ticket.
This is just plane SICK!!!
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