(source Merriam-Webster On-Line)
Inflected Form(s):
plural au·dac·i·ties
Middle English audacite, from Latin audac-, audax Date:
15th century
1: the quality or state of being audacious: as a: intrepid boldness b: bold or arrogant disregard of normal restraints
Let's examine what's hopeful and what's audacious. This should show us so clearly just how out of touch this man of great academic elite distinction stands so far apart from the world of real people with real hopes.
Barack Obama's most significant attempt to define himself was writing The Audacity of Hope; however, in the title of that work itself is the true essence of why Barack Obama is so off-target on defining what's going on in the world today.
A severely disabled person who is struggling with Medicare to get desperately needed health care that could help him return to a productive life hopes for the promise each new day brings...that's not audacious, that's real.
A volunteer who goes into the toughest neighborhood to work with disadvantaged students hoping to help them raise above their environment...that's not audacious, that's real.
A CEO who has a vision for his company's future despite struggling with more and more government regulations like Sarbanes-Oxyley, stiffer foreign competition, rising health care costs hoping to bring the highest quality products at the best cost to markete....that's not audacious, that's real.
A young musician who plays her heart out every night putting in hour after hour performing and recording hoping to record her first album .... that's not audacious, that's real.
A young girl who loves science dreams of her future hoping she'll find a break through medicine to treat a dreadful disease..... that's not audacious, that's real.
An airman curls in pain in an enemy's prison, his body broken and tortured, yet he hopes and dreams of his trip back home...that's not audacious, that's real.
What's audacious is Barack Obama himself. Here's a man who has given so little but wants so much. When citizens listen to John McCain talk of his experience and the things that motivated him to seek high office or were introduced to Sarah Palin who spoke of one thing after another she acccomplished in her short political life even selling the governor's jet on eBay, we see a something very different and a completely different idea of hope than what Barack Obama has to say. Regardless of issue or audience, in speech after speech and numerous interviews, the public constantly hears Mr. Obama set up his positions with, "I've always thought...." "I've always said....." or "It's always been my opinion." Those remarks continue to beg the question, not just what have you done for us lately, but what have you done at all. The truth is "saying" and "thinking" are not accomplishments. Making opinions sound good are not jobs well done.
For Barack Obama to believe he should be the leader of the most powerful and greatest country on this planet is not just wrong, it's very audacious. So if we want to see the real meaning of audacity, it's the life of Barack Obama himself. Just look it up in Webster's above. His arrogant disregard of normal restraints defines who he is. In all the situations listed above, we looked at examples of how people pay their dues and work hard to earn their ability to hope. Barack Obama thinks that's something he's entitled to on a silver platter.
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