A Bright Star is Born
Response to hostile media:
"I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion. I’m going to Washington to serve the people of this great country."
A real clarifying moment of her speech was when she addressed how speaking in Pennsylvania, Obama atttempted to talk the language of the small town person but once in his elite element in California turned to insulting them about being bitter clinging to their guns and religion. She delivered hint after hint that the audiece would put to good use to see the real contrast between what Barack Obama and Joe Biden represent compared to her experience. Let's be real! There's nothing bitter about Sarah Palin to be sure. Those delicate Washington people probably can't handle the "skeeters" up their in Alaska much less a rifle to bring down a moose. When looking at her her attachment to religion, it's hard not to miss a principled faith driven life in first giving birth to a known risk baby with Downes Syndrome. She and her family will be callen upon follow their highest principles as they help their young 17 year old daugher, Bristol, take on the responsibilities of motherhood and marriage in the months to come. Without addressing that issue head on, her behavior, not her words show a person who clearly tries to live her sense of family values more than speaking them.
The flood of negative press against Sarah Palin has been deafening and uncalled for. The notion of a "hockey" mom who can blast a giant moose does not play well
Sarah Palin couldn't have scored more convincingly when she took her oratation right to her media adversaries and other elites who have brutalized her since her introduction last Friday. She rose herself above the petty filthy currents of the media, Washington elites, and the ultra-left screamers by making it very clear:“I’m not a member of the permanent political establishment. And I’ve learned quickly, these last few days, that if you’re not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone,” .... "But … here’s a little news flash for those reporters and commentators: I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion — I’m going to Washington to serve the people of this country.” The audience went WILD!
The American people were treated to quite a grand introduction to a person who appears off to American stardom by presenting a fully rounded picture of who she is, the love and commitment that propels the Palin family and her small hometown in Alaska. On the vice presidential issues, she gave insight into her accomplishments and driving principles before turning to the big issues of the McCain campaign. When talking on the dark forces of the Democratic party, she could not have provided a more perfect image of the happy warrior.
Wednesday, September 3 was a great day in Republican history. Let's look forward to the encore!
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