Can anybody still take the Nobel Peace Prize any more seriously than the results of some random survey conducted by a talk show host or Internet blogger?
As if awarding Al Gore the prize for his work on global warming, today’s award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama citing "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” makes the whole status it implies even more laughable. If Obama’s dreadful first few months in office where surely none of his actions have achieved any positive results aren’t bad enough, the truth behind this award is the deadline for submissions was February 1st when Obama had only been in office for a matter of days!
Oh but high atop the Norwegian Ivory Tower where the affairs of the real world never ascend, such a possibility is real. Consider the justification from Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Committee who stated, “Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future.”
We’re aware of what out-of-touch elitism is in the United States when we consider some of the insane pronouncements emanating from some of our elite institutions where political correctness and radical socialist agendas run wild. These are places where the big shots have never had their hands in the real world of running businesses, meeting payrolls, or balancing budgets. They live in a world of “shoulds” and what they think is good for everyone else where the extremely smart like-minded learned elites know what’s good for everybody else and should be able to tell us what’s good for us and influence governments that will do the same.
If the climate isn’t silly enough in America, it’s absolutely crazier in Europe where the countries themselves are spared some of the hard realities of world politics and economics living under the safety net afforded by the NATO membership not their European Union affiliation protected by the United States military paid for by American taxpayers. The ultimate hypocrisy is those elitists who preach their creed of globalism, disarmament criticizing the United States for being too bellicose are able to enjoy their safe little spot in the sun because it is America’s willingness to do their dirty work that keeps them free and safe.
Who liberated Europe from the Nazi’s? Who stared down the Soviet Union resulting in the liberation of Eastern Europe? The contributions to the comfy world of the high minded European elites rooted in American sacrifice and hard work goes far deeper than these.
It should not be seen surprising the Nobel academy would be fascinated with Barack Obama. He’s their perfect poster child. Finally, they can unite behind an American leader who is as radical as they are. He shares the same contempt for the capitalist system, military might, and Yankee ingenuity that they do.
Where was Barack Obama when freedom was on the march in Iran? When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stole the election then butchered those who dared protest his corrupt wicked behavior, where was the powerful condemnation and cry for freedom? Naturally, Barack Obama appreciates the benefits of organizations that tinker with the election process given his close association with ACORN who’ve registered dead citizens and Sponge Bob as voters.
Where does Obama stand on the political situation in Honduras? Barack Obama supports the legitimacy of Jose Manuel Zelaya who corrupted the political process attempting to seize power beyond the constitutional authority granted him establishing himself a Hugo Chavez style dictator. Having done such, Zelaya was ousted from power as part efforts of the legislature and Supreme Court of the South American republic to preserve their Democratic system. Rather than supporting the legal process in Honduras, Obama supports the attempt of a left-wing potential dictator.
Between failing to support attempts to achieve freedom and playing soft with dictators, how can anyone see Barack Obama as truly an advocate of freedom and peace?
If ever an American President would deserve a peace prize, that award would have gone to Ronald Reagan who stood firm against the Soviet Union and through his efforts helped generate the movement that liberated all the nations held in brutal oppression behind the Iron curtain. That Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and others enjoy modern democratic societies and the joys of freedom are due in large part to Reagan’s leadership.
What do the chattering intellectuals think of Reagan’s efforts to promote freedom? They will site his “illegal” efforts to support the Nicaraguan contras attempting to cast off the Communist regime of Daniel Ortega and that somehow those pursuits were evil.
To citizens of the real world, the Nobel Prize should mean absolutely nothing. That Barack Obama would win such an award should be no cause for celebration or signify any accomplishment of merit. The award is no more consequential than the Time Magazine “Man of the Year” or the latest winner of the MTV video awards.
The Nobel Peace Prize is an award granted by the absolute highest level of detached elitists recognizing those who’ve done the most to serve as mouthpieces for the nonsensical philosophies they preach.
For every Afghani woman who is allowed to show her face in public and not be stuffed away in a Burka, for every Iraqi who needn’t fear torture and death at the hands of Saddam Hussein, for the thousands of AIDS victims who were provided treatment, their much reviled villain in their eyes of George W. Bush would have made a great candidate to receive the award if it meant anything based on his eight years of service focused on freedom and helping some of the most hurting people in the world.
How about the way Barack Obama slighted the Dali Llama to appease the Communist Chinese?
If the Nobel Prize weren’t spoken of in such high esteem, today’s award would be nothing more than a stupid laughing matter.
Stay tuned for the heaps of praise that awaits Obama in the news media in the days to come.
Barack Obama states "I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations to confront the challenges of the 21st century." He also said he'll donate his 1.4 million dollar award to charity. What kind of left wing nuts might receive that loot? It looks like ACORN might need some coin to go after those kids who revealed them for what they are.
God only knows what kind of results he envisions.
If the Nobel Prize weren’t spoken of in such high esteem, today’s award would be nothing more than a stupid laughing matter.
Stay tuned for the heaps of praise that awaits Obama in the news media in the days to come.
Barack Obama states "I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations to confront the challenges of the 21st century." He also said he'll donate his 1.4 million dollar award to charity. What kind of left wing nuts might receive that loot? It looks like ACORN might need some coin to go after those kids who revealed them for what they are.
God only knows what kind of results he envisions.
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