REM's Michael Stipe
Be honest. Should anyone take seriously
how this fellow would opine on any
political topic (or anything else for that matter)?
"We have spent the past 30 years supporting causes related to peace and justice. To now learn that some of our friends' music may have been used as part of the torture tactics without their consent or knowledge, is horrific. It's anti-American, period."
xxxx-REM statement condemning pop music used to motivate detainees at Guantanamo Bay Detention
Reference article:
Whoa, cool!!! The Hollywood crowd, in this case pop musicians, has another cause to rally around and preach about in tones of overt self-righteousness eyes dripping with crocodile tears. They want the terrorist detention camp at Guantanamo Bay closed and have hair up they are angry as hell their music, Barney the dinosaur, and the Meow Mix cat have been used to help motivate terror suspects, some of the most dangerous and murderous thugs on earth, to cooperate. Look out, there’s another bleeding heart “cause” organization as a result “The National Campaign to Close Guantanamo.” Does this mean concerts, television specials, posters, buttons, web sites, FaceBook pages, and Twitter tweets are far behind?
Plug your ears and hold your nose.
The ironies in this are just too amusing to pass up. Most pop music is so darned awful it’s torture for most ordinary Americans despite massive air play and millions of units sold. There’s no accounting for taste and pop music has been in decline for years. Okay, this writer is 56 years old, but this is not a generational thing. It’s recognizing that the record companies, those great industrial Titans who take 9 year olds to court for multimillion dollar lawsuits for downloading a few tunes. Their business model for music is the same as McDonalds, product that is bland, consistent, and not very good for you.
Pop music airheads sound so silly when they talk politics. They are so naïve and ignorant yet they talk with such fervent faux sincerity. If what they were saying wasn’t intended to influence thousands or millions, it would be laughably dismissible.
Surely, they’ve pounded down gallons of Kool-Aid believing all the lies about “Gitmo” and the terrible things they contend our big bad government has done to those poor misunderstood terrorists. Oh, we just need to talk to them and swing “Kumbaya,” “Give Peace a Chance,” or “Puff the Magic Dragon” and we’ll all get along just fine.
While they have their Che Guevara posters and other such nonsense, what they fail to realize, if the totalitarians they defend were ever to take charge here, they’d be among the first to be shot as part of the inevitable cultural cleansing all dictatorships wage to indoctrinate society into being a bunch of mindless compliant zombies.
One has to wonder, as much as the pop music crowd tries to preach to the choir, how many people other than their most fawning groupies take any of their political garbage seriously and how many people have they ever persuaded to see things their way.
What a shame it is. For all the great things Bruce Springsteen has accomplished and his ability to work magic with his music, since he’s been on the political bandwagon, he’s rendered himself just another ignorant toad who is just as divorced from reality as the rest of that pack of music performing mutants.
Let’s send Ted Nugent with his crossbow down to “Gitmo” to entertain our servicemen and let him take target practice on any of the terrorists who don’t like it.
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