Some bars of confinement are harder to see.
How much evidence does the public need that unions are the ruination of education. Schools need flexibility and the ability to manage the instructional process outside the realm of rank-in-file job description mandated operations. Charter schools have succeeded where conventional public schools have failed in part because they have a more flexible management model able to respond to the needs of the students who attend a given school not the self-serving, greedy, politicized environment that decades of strong-armed union influence has imposed on the educational process.
Here’s yet another sad example of a school forced to cave in and compromise its program AND REDUCE STAFF HOURS thanks to union intervention. This example comes from Baltimore.
Please see this article from the Baltimore Sun: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/education/bal-md.kipp21jul21,0,5806375.story
Given the Obama administration’s absolute commitment to supporting unions and that the NEA and AFT, the nation’s two top teachers’ unions and their workings through their PAC’s on the national, state, and local level, union big shots and crappy teachers are the ones receiving the benefits not our children who continue to deal with the downward spiral of weaker and less vital instruction, madly politically correct curriculum, absurd zero tolerance policies, and dreadfully low expectations.
Just down the road in Washington, DC, congress snuffed out bright futures for hundreds of DC school children who will no longer benefit from a successful voucher program that served as a golden ladder out of the city’s worst neighborhoods through the transformational power of quality private or parochial education. To see the students who participated in this program toward the end of their schooling – their intelligence, their enthusiasm, their maturity and the polish and glow a good education provided speaks for itself. Thanks to attending academically challenging schools with emphasis on the basic values that foster successful, healthy lives, the sky is the limit for what the future has to offer them. Had they attended Washington DC public schools, they’d have been lost in the shuffle facing a future of miserable more of the same.
As long as parents fail to get involved in their local schools and accept, “Well my kid is doing ‘okay’,” the problem will continue. Average white kids do ‘okay’ and for many, that’s good enough. For kids with special needs, ones that get singled out as difficult to work with by the school (as in boys acting like boys), or have unique learning styles, the road will be rough in even the best of neighborhoods.
Still, what happens in urban public schools is a crime and its time to treat those who are robbing children of their future as the criminals. The first case on the docket is the children of tomorrow against the nation’s teacher’s unions. Every night a young black male gets murdered or arrested, there is blood on the hands of organized teacher labor.
Here’s yet another sad example of a school forced to cave in and compromise its program AND REDUCE STAFF HOURS thanks to union intervention. This example comes from Baltimore.
Please see this article from the Baltimore Sun: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/education/bal-md.kipp21jul21,0,5806375.story
Given the Obama administration’s absolute commitment to supporting unions and that the NEA and AFT, the nation’s two top teachers’ unions and their workings through their PAC’s on the national, state, and local level, union big shots and crappy teachers are the ones receiving the benefits not our children who continue to deal with the downward spiral of weaker and less vital instruction, madly politically correct curriculum, absurd zero tolerance policies, and dreadfully low expectations.
Just down the road in Washington, DC, congress snuffed out bright futures for hundreds of DC school children who will no longer benefit from a successful voucher program that served as a golden ladder out of the city’s worst neighborhoods through the transformational power of quality private or parochial education. To see the students who participated in this program toward the end of their schooling – their intelligence, their enthusiasm, their maturity and the polish and glow a good education provided speaks for itself. Thanks to attending academically challenging schools with emphasis on the basic values that foster successful, healthy lives, the sky is the limit for what the future has to offer them. Had they attended Washington DC public schools, they’d have been lost in the shuffle facing a future of miserable more of the same.
As long as parents fail to get involved in their local schools and accept, “Well my kid is doing ‘okay’,” the problem will continue. Average white kids do ‘okay’ and for many, that’s good enough. For kids with special needs, ones that get singled out as difficult to work with by the school (as in boys acting like boys), or have unique learning styles, the road will be rough in even the best of neighborhoods.
Still, what happens in urban public schools is a crime and its time to treat those who are robbing children of their future as the criminals. The first case on the docket is the children of tomorrow against the nation’s teacher’s unions. Every night a young black male gets murdered or arrested, there is blood on the hands of organized teacher labor.
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