"Right Minded Fellow's" ombudsman ready to address your every concern.
This week marks the first anniversary of “Right Minded Fellow” a blog designed to be a lively discussion of current events, sports, and modern culture providing an alternative to the main stream point of view. We sure were dead on accurate with our warnings about Barack Obama, weren’t we?
In our first posting, here’s what we set out to do…
Topics of interest shall include:
1-The collapse of public education as an effective and respected institution and the need for alternatives to the mess secular schools have become in the last 30 years.
2-The need for a courageous and far reaching energy policy that will save our finite resources and dependency on oil from anti-American states.
3-The ever increasing role of the Federal Government in our day to day lives -- the ever growing nanny state.
4-The warped far-left extremist philosophy and political correctness that pervades the news media, entertainment industry and higher education.
5-The need for effective, Constitution based government and dangers of the activist bench.
6-Examples and discussion of the Liberal bias and cheap sensationalism that pervades the news media.
7-The implicit evil of the Islamic religion as practiced by many modern Moslems.
8-The benefits of traditional values and harms of extreme secularism.
9-All kinds of good stuff on the world of sports especially Major League Baseball, the National Football League, NASCAR, and NCAA Basketball.
10-The joys of all kinds of music. How the record industry and commercial radio destroys creativity and has lead to bland "American Idol" style pop and the destructive influence of violent "gangsta" rap.
11-Challenges facing the disabled in America.
12-The failings of the modern health care in America and lack of viable solutions proposed so far.
Setting forth twelve goals was ambitious to be sure, but in looking these over, we’ve certainly addressed most of these, many in depth. We have not explored issues concerning the need for educational reform on all levels as much as the topic deserves.
We’ve not discussed the dangers of judicial activism particularly in light of the Sotomeyer nomination. Is she bad news or what?
We’ve not discussed issues regarding the disabled at all and could do much more regarding health care.
On lighter stuff, we would have liked to have done more on music. We’re not going to ever try to keep up with current trends in pop music as the music industry has all but sucked out creativity and uniqueness out of new talents long ago. Though there sure are some great artists trying to be heard in the “indie” scene. When Universal Music Group, Sony/BMG, Warner Music, and Capitol/EMI controls over 80% of the industry, CBS radio and ClearChannel control such a large segment of old fashioned radio, and alternative radio such as XM/Syrius or the stuff that streams with digital cable seeming to be formatted by consultants not music lovers, what can we expect?
If you’re reading this stuff, REACT. Agree, disagree, or just add some of your own thoughts.
“Right Minded Fellow” is proud of what’s been accomplished despite seeming to go over all the place on Sarah Palin.
Right now, let’s just hope she disappears. Her fifteen minutes are up! We keep getting drawn in to defend her because the attacks on her have been so vile, but the more we examine her as a person and try to assess her intellect, there’s no “there” there.
Bring on the Brickyard 400!!!
In our first posting, here’s what we set out to do…
Topics of interest shall include:
1-The collapse of public education as an effective and respected institution and the need for alternatives to the mess secular schools have become in the last 30 years.
2-The need for a courageous and far reaching energy policy that will save our finite resources and dependency on oil from anti-American states.
3-The ever increasing role of the Federal Government in our day to day lives -- the ever growing nanny state.
4-The warped far-left extremist philosophy and political correctness that pervades the news media, entertainment industry and higher education.
5-The need for effective, Constitution based government and dangers of the activist bench.
6-Examples and discussion of the Liberal bias and cheap sensationalism that pervades the news media.
7-The implicit evil of the Islamic religion as practiced by many modern Moslems.
8-The benefits of traditional values and harms of extreme secularism.
9-All kinds of good stuff on the world of sports especially Major League Baseball, the National Football League, NASCAR, and NCAA Basketball.
10-The joys of all kinds of music. How the record industry and commercial radio destroys creativity and has lead to bland "American Idol" style pop and the destructive influence of violent "gangsta" rap.
11-Challenges facing the disabled in America.
12-The failings of the modern health care in America and lack of viable solutions proposed so far.
Setting forth twelve goals was ambitious to be sure, but in looking these over, we’ve certainly addressed most of these, many in depth. We have not explored issues concerning the need for educational reform on all levels as much as the topic deserves.
We’ve not discussed the dangers of judicial activism particularly in light of the Sotomeyer nomination. Is she bad news or what?
We’ve not discussed issues regarding the disabled at all and could do much more regarding health care.
On lighter stuff, we would have liked to have done more on music. We’re not going to ever try to keep up with current trends in pop music as the music industry has all but sucked out creativity and uniqueness out of new talents long ago. Though there sure are some great artists trying to be heard in the “indie” scene. When Universal Music Group, Sony/BMG, Warner Music, and Capitol/EMI controls over 80% of the industry, CBS radio and ClearChannel control such a large segment of old fashioned radio, and alternative radio such as XM/Syrius or the stuff that streams with digital cable seeming to be formatted by consultants not music lovers, what can we expect?
If you’re reading this stuff, REACT. Agree, disagree, or just add some of your own thoughts.
“Right Minded Fellow” is proud of what’s been accomplished despite seeming to go over all the place on Sarah Palin.
Right now, let’s just hope she disappears. Her fifteen minutes are up! We keep getting drawn in to defend her because the attacks on her have been so vile, but the more we examine her as a person and try to assess her intellect, there’s no “there” there.
Bring on the Brickyard 400!!!
Happy Anniversary! RMF has provided excellent insight on a broad range of topics. I'm looking forward to your commentary in the future.
Thank you for you support. What an amazing adventure it's been from the Presidential campaign to the horrors of living in Obama-Nation. We've covered one full NFL season, a full NASCAR chase, plus the entire 2009 Sprint Cup and MLB seasons.
In year two, can we figure out how to "tweet" or "twit" and use that as an extention to RMF? Can we get some more lively debates going?
Regardless, it's great to take pride in something that provides a look at the world's stage from being at a safe aesthetic distance a few steps away from the Nation's capital.
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