Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is a hateful race baiter who represents that absolute scum of the left wing elite in this country. Gates is a Harvard professor of African American studies, a discipline that in itself is a source of spreading a racist ideology of black victimology drawing sharp racial divides where essentially black Americans are entitled to all kinds of special considerations for wrongs committed against them in the past.
Against this background, a very unfortunate episode took place in Cambridge, Massachusetts, home of Harvard University, and where Gates resides. Mr. Gates returned home but was not dressed in his normal attire as he attempted to enter through his back entrance. A concerned neighbor, concerned for the security of the professor’s residence, not his adversary, called the police because from her vantage point, it looked as though there was a burglary in progress. Sgt. James Crowley, a respected veteran Cambridge police officer responded to the call.
Gates was attempting to forcefully enter his house as he was apparently locked out of his home. Witnessing this and not knowing the suspect’s identity, Sgt. Crowley responded accordingly. The police report he wrote indicates his account of the situation. Here’s the report with explanation from “The Smoking Gun.”
Witness accounts of the episode support Sgt. Crowley’s reporting.
Is it unrealistic to believe that Professor Gates, a person with a long history of stoking the fires of racial division painting the police as agents of oppression hell bent on persecuting blacks on the basis of racial profiling, purposely went out of his way to attempt to get the Sergeant to step over the line to help provide Gates with his own first person narrative of personally being victim of the wrongs he attempts to establish?
Either Gates purposely provoked the scene or his outlook is so jaded that his ability to react to a situation in a controlled civil manner gives way to an emotionally charged madness based on some sort of persecution complex or blind faith to his hateful ideology.
Clearly, Sgt. Crowley appears to have handled the situation professionally; however, given racial conflicts are almost always lose/lose propositions, while it is totally unacceptable for the verbal assault professor Gates cut lose on the Sergeant, perhaps the officer would have been better off to found some face saving way to back off once it was clear to him that Gates was, in fact, on his own property. However, a police officer is entitled to maintain some sense of command. Citizens should cooperate with officers and address their grievances in without being confrontational realizing that the officer’s sworn responsibility is maintaining the public safety.
Professor Gates would have no part of it. His insults and taunts continued to escalate. What options did Sgt. Crowley have? Had he turned the other cheek would he not be demonstrating open defiance of the police is acceptable?
Though charges against Dr. Gates were ultimately dropped, Sgt. Crowley emphatically insists he has no reason to apologize for his actions and intends to stand his ground.
Meanwhile, Professor Gates and his supporters seek to use this episode to establish notions of racial profiling and police hostility toward minorities. This flies in the face that the police action was specifically initiated to protect the perceived threat to the property of a black citizen. One has to wonder had a police officer observed what Sgt. Crowley observed and it turned out to be a real burglary, how would have Professor Gates reacted if the Sergeant ignored the episode fearful of the potential extreme reaction? No doubt, the police would again endure charges of racism that they don’t take protecting black homes as seriously as they do white homes.
In Gates world, the police are damned if they do and damned if they don’t but always hateful agents of white racism regardless. As long as these vicious racial stereotypes of law enforcement continue and enablers in the press continue to deify Gates’ work as noble, getting beyond these horrible racial conflicts will not advance.
If what has been discussed so far was the totality of this episode that would be bad enough. A horrible uproar disrupted a community over what should have been at worst a small, easily resolved, misunderstanding.
Leave it to the White House press corps and Barack Obama to make this into a national furor. In a nationally televised news conference designed to drum up support for the Obama socialist take over of the American health care system, he was asked about the Gates episode. Professor Gates is a former Harvard associate of the President and they share tremendous mutual respect. Obama responded to the reporter first stating:
"Now, I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that. But I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home."
Further, the President asserted that racism “still haunts us.” Then he added, "I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. That's just a fact.”
If Barack Obama had any sense, he simply would have told the reporter it is not appropriate for him to comment on an open legal issue and maybe make an appeal for calmer heads to prevail. “No comment” is often the best answer.
Thus Barack Obama not only ginned up the severity of the Cambridge neighborhood incident, but as the nation’s top law enforcement officer, he undercut the authority of rule of law not citing the difficulty of the job and stirring up divisive racial issues. However, just simply the comment that “the Cambridge police acted stupidly” is enough for the damage to be done.
Aside from the President stooping to the worst of racial politics, he is further guilty of the same crime his cronies on Capitol Hill are guilty of when they pass legislation without reading the bills. Obama popped off about a situation without doing his homework and considering all angles.
Finally, the President realized his comments needed to be “recalibrated” and is attempting to spin a new version of how to handle the aftermath of the Cambridge lesson. Should we assume that this was learning experience for the President or just the actions of a smart politician covering his butt after talking himself into a corner?
The dangerous lesson we learn from the President’s comments inserting himself into the Cambridge controversy is the extent to which Barack Obama sees America in strictly racial terms where the establishment and white Americans are the bad guys and black Americans are forever victims.
Every false issue that arises on the subject of race distracts from the real challenges our country must address to heal the racial divide and provide equal opportunity for all. The plight of black males in this country is well-known. The public school system refuses to adopt teaching methods and developing compassionate learning environments where black male students are stimulated to live up to their potential and learn the skills and values to succeed in society. College aged black males are more likely to be in the criminal justice process – in jail, on parole, probation, or awaiting charges than attending college. In many urban settings, on any given night chances are better than not at least one young black man will die from gun and drug violence.
We’ve addressed how the Democratic alliance with the teachers’ unions has destroyed reform measures that were helping in environments where such programs were enacted.
So much for the post partisan, post racial transcendent figure the Barack Obama and his campaign used to create the myth the media would buy into to market him as an agent of effective change for our country.
In truth, Barack Obama is an angry man immersed in a situation putting him in deeper waters way over his head given his very limited experience as a first term United States Senator only having background as a rabble rousing lawyer working with corrupt and dangerous “community organizations” like ACORN> Clearly, Obama resents the positive institutions of America and seeks to rebuild the country as a radical left regime designed to redistribute wealth and centralize power of the national government taking control of industry, health care, banking, and increasingly more aspects of every day life.
The real Obama is quickly emerging. The American people must stop him cold before any more long lasting harm to our great nation can be done.
He truly could be the most dangerous person ever to serve as President of the United States with no other figure coming close.
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