Fantasy footwear from lands of make believe.
Why are we not surprised? The Daily News fashion page, courtesy of the Drudge Report, revealed that Michelle (Marie “Let them eat cake” Antoinette) Obama was spotted wearing $540 Lanvin sneakers surely wanting to revile former Filipino first lady, Imelda Marcos for footwear excesses.
Spotted last week at a photo op staged at Washington DC food bank, once again the new first lady has shown her do-as-I-say-not-as-do elitism flaunting such gaudy excess. While today’s kids get sucked in with marketing for trendy athletic shoes often as much as $300 a pair, Ms. Obama’s choice makes Air Jordan’s look like a bargain. The hard cold truth is the pitch involving wealthy African American basketball stars hawking obscenely expensive gear to kids has led to real horrific tragedies where kids have been gunned down in the street simply because some gang-banger low life wanted new shoes for his home boys.
Tea party type people are quite happy to shop at Walmart and invest in a pair of a pair of Doctor Scholl’s sneakers for $30 works out just fine.
In Obama-Nation, we’ll hear more outrage about the trumped up labor abuses at Walmart than the flaunty behavior of celebrities and Michelle Obama reflected by their fashion sense or senselessness.
Can anyone determine which is more a fantasy land, Washington, DC or the Land of Oz? Perhaps we can dream Michelle Obama might endure the same fate as a certain figure in Oz wearing gaudy footwear sustained when a flying house piloted by a nice wholesome American girl from Kansas (as in flyover country) landed her house atop this Wicked Witch of the West’s sister.
In the meantime, Michelle, tell your husband to keep his goddamned flying monkeys away from our wallets. We work hard for our $30 sneakers from Walmarts.
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