Is it just me? Somehow having a convicted felon, G. Gordon Liddy as the front man to sell buying gold as an investment doesn't seem like credible advertising to me? On what authority does this criminal have to be the proper frontman for financial advise.
He's certainly become popular on the talk show circuit still heard on over 160 radio stations nationwide. Conservatives who find him an informed spokesman surely should do some careful soul searching.
What is Liddy's excuse for his roll in a criminal ploy that was one of the most disgraceful events in American history? "I was just following orders" certainly doesn't fly. We know that in the aftermath of the ravages of Nazi Germany.
Liddy is a sleazy opportunist. He capitalizes on certain feelings of alienation and distrust of the status quo, but is there any figure in recent history who contributed more to promoting the public's distrust of the American government than Mr. Liddy?
After Watergate, the public will be forever more skeptical of our government and its institutions often to a high state of paranoia as shown by how some attack the CIA and the intelligence profession for what they did in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
One must realize, the label "right wing talk show host" is a broad brush. Some figures like G. Gordon Liddy and Michael Savage downgrade the profession contrary to the much more learned and targetted work of others.
So you want to buy gold on Liddy's say so? We have some great investment opportunites for ocean front resort property just outside of Hagerstown, Maryland. Let us know if you're ready to invest!!!
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