The Baltimore City Public Library System, the Enoch Pratt Free Library is showing the absolute audacity of stupidity by inviting self-professed domestic terrorists (we don’t mean people on the Napolitano “list”) to speak tomorrow night at 6:30 p.m. at the downtown headquarters. The speech is free and open to the public.
The speakers are none other than Obama confidents, former leaders of the detestable Weather Underground leaders, William Ayers and Bernadine Dhorn, who are on a book tour hawking their latest book, Race Course: Against White Supremacy.
Now there’s a real relevant topic. Any American who doesn’t realize that White Supremacists are but a small lunatic fringe who are conspicuous only for the extreme idiocy of their philosophy but are so far out there the only thing that keeps them visible is the outrage expressed against them. However, to the lunatic left, White Supremacy is a real threat and they completely distort racial problems in our country as a result. Rest assured, Ayers and Dhorn have nothing constructive or informative to say on the subject. Their message is well known. They simply find new ways to package the same old Communist garbage they’ve been a part of since the 1960’s.
It is especially disturbing that the city of Baltimore would provide a forum for these hate mongers a forum to promote their demagoguery as Baltimore is a majority black city with a totally dysfunctional city government with a police department virtually helpless to curb urban violence, public schools among the worst in the nation, and public service agencies which seem to only succeed in perpetuating their bureaucracy.
We must show out outrage that figures like Ayers and Dhorn have obtained distinguished positions in academy and aren’t scorned into the obscurity they deserve. Consider this, William Ayers is a professor of education at the University of Chicago. The admitted terrorist is teaching teachers how to teach from the standpoint of his hateful philosophical assumptions. Dhorn is the director of the Children and Justice Center in Chicago where many advocacy groups serve as a front for more sinister purposes. She is also an associate law professor at Northwestern University School of Law. This is Prima Facie evidence of how far left higher education is infected with the absolute philosophical scum of the earth.
Baltimore, it’s time to act. Take the library up on its offer. Attend the presentation and be prepared to ask questions that will show up these frauds for who they are. Do so calmly and persistently. Do not resort to the kind of goon tactics left wing activists resort to when speakers they disagree with attempt to speak. We have the winning weapons in the war of ideas and don’t have to shout over and disrupt our foes to silence their message. We also need to make our presence visible. Citizens should carry signs and politely picket the library before and during the presentation.
Here’s a golden opportunity to confront the worst of the radical left in our own backyard. Clearly, every day we get to see more of Obama’s political designs unfold we see just how much these kind of hateful radicals have molded his thinking.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 12, 2009 is a great opportunity for Right-Minded people to stage a minor victory in our quest for a rational and moral culture.
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