CHEER UP, AMERICA, Obama will be yucking it up with David Letterman for the entire hour tonight. Gee, might Davey have some more tasteless Sarah Palin jokes to add to the festivities?
Now what were those qualities that made Barack Obama appear so appealing to the voters as he defeated Hilary Clinton then John McCain to capture the White House?
This was the guy who was supposed to be a “uniter.” Anyone looking at his resume and his past associations would see someone so far out of the boundaries of established American political thought that degree of radicalism could never meld with more moderate or conservative views.
Cranking up the juice even more from his highly partisan and combative address before both houses of Congress, the President appeared testy, petulant, and petty on his Sunday media blitz exhibiting his most argumentative and condescending tirade against a national media figure who would seem to be his most sympathetic, George Stephanopoulos, former Clinton advisor and media contact now with ABC news, who grilled Obama on the cost of his health care program where Obama resorted to pure distortion and sophistry trying to come up with every description as possible to call tax increases something different as if “shit” or “stool” aren’t as foul smelling.
Seeming more content to create and blame boogey men than attempt to shed more light on the measures before congress to have the Federal government seize control of America’s medical delivery system, Obama ridiculed the news media particularly the “24 hour news cycle” and “cable.” He demonized the insurance industry and naturally had plenty of jabs for his political opposition.
Given that the Sunday morning news programs appeal to a rather select audience that follows the issues on an on-going basis, it’s hard to imagine Obama’s efforts did anything to enhance support for his efforts but his criticism of his opponents particularly taking aim at everyday citizens and blasting them for being “rude.”
The following statement from his appearance on ABC says it all, “The easiest way to get on television right now is to be really rude. If you're just being sensible and giving people the benefit of the doubt, and you're making your arguments, you don't get time on the nightly news.”
Continuing the theme on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” he charged, "The easiest way to get 15 minutes on the news or your 15 minutes of fame is to be rude. ... That's something that I think needs to change."
This kind of arrogance can only serve to intensify the opposition against the President who refuses to acknowledge that the citizens are speaking from fear and frustration clearly aware of the gravity of what the government is attempting to do. It is Obama’s strategy that by rendering the opposition as a bunch of unsophisticated hot-heads they simply aren’t qualified as if they’re just a bunch of sheepish rubes. The President clearly has better things to do than pacify a bunch of yokels.
He went so far as to suggest that the news media feeds on “extreme elements” and “conflict” as “catnip.”
Obama also dismissed concerns about ACORN as being issues too trivial for his attention, something he was largely unaware of. He offered no clear sense of having grips on the escalating difficulties in Afghanistan.
Looking at his efforts as a whole, the Obama message is something is true and proper because he says so. To object to him is never on rational grounds. Opponents are at best misinformed by selective media coverage but in general are rude and ignorant.
Clearly, Barack Obama has become the most polarizing and divisive figure in American politics since Richard Nixon and the longer the American public gets to see Obama in action, they will see more alarming similarities to Nixon’s approach. However, in Nixon’s defense, politically, Nixon was a moderate, perhaps even slightly Liberal whose policies were generally pragmatic. It was Nixon’s approach to opposition and his paranoid style of leadership that did him in. When one considers Obama’s intolerance for opposition, the dangerous and outrageous insiders he has brought into the White House coupled with a conspicuously socialist radical agenda, apart from not having draftees fighting in a losing war, Obama is a far more dangerous and damaging President than Nixon could ever have been. From John F. Kennedy’s assassination on November 22, 1963 until Ronald Reagan took the oath of office on January 20, 1981 apart from two years of leadership from America’s only unelected President, Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter corrupted and corroded American leadership on virtually every level. In just a matter of months, Obama has already threatened to do more harm than those three administrations did over 17 years.
The American public is compelled to act forcibly to use every measure of legal persuasion to keep the pressure on in the media, by confronting the legislature, and keeping the issues alive with their friends and neighbors to make it difficult for Obama’s agenda to be enacted. The 2010 elections will be the first chance the American people can seriously weaken the power of Obama-nation, but much needs to be done between now and then.
In the past week we’ve also seen Obama promise all kinds of support for expanding the power of labor unions. He’s also pussy-footed around the issue of Attorney General Holder’s CIA witch hunt which prompted seven former CIA directors to co-write the President a letter urging him to end the probe sighting the intelligence risks continued politicizing the nation’s intelligence gathering can do.
Keep an eye on how many ACORN insiders have rolls in the Obama regime. This WILL get ugly.
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