The hidden agenda behind the outrageous and dishonest quotes tells us loud and clear that we cannot support any effort the Obama regime pushes to alter our health care delivery in any way. The President does not know how the medical system operates on fairly frequent procedures. Then he uses his false assumptions to create wicked stereotypes of our as being motivated by making lots of money by railroading patients into unnecessary surgery.
Consider this:
In Obama’s view, doctors would yank a kid’s tonsils for the sake of some extra income…
“Right now, doctors a lot of times are forced to make decisions based on the fee payment schedule that's out there. ... The doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, 'You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid's tonsils out,'” as the President addressed a prime time news conference, adding, "Now, that may be the right thing to do, but I'd rather have that doctor making those decisions just based on whether you really need your kid's tonsils out or whether it might make more sense just to change; maybe they have allergies. Maybe they have something else that would make a difference."
They’d also chop the foot off a diabetic who didn’t need the amputation for a nice big pay day.
“Let's take the example of something like diabetes, one of --- a disease that's skyrocketing, partly because of obesity, partly because it's not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family -- if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they're taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance. But if that same diabetic ends up getting their foot amputated, that's $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 -- immediately the surgeon is reimbursed.”
What else can one conclude other than Obama is a dirty rotten lying bastard quick to stir up images of class warfare stereotyping doctors as greedy wealth driven ogres who need the big stick of the government to pound them into shape.
In the first instance, our closet Marxist ignores that a primary care doctor makes nothing on tonsil surgery. He would refer the child to a throat specialist if there were adequate rational to do so who would then conduct the proper evaluation to determine whether such surgery is necessary. The doctor makes no money off of referrals but in Obama-Nation where conspiracies run wild, perhaps he’d want us to believe he’d get kick backs from the throat surgeon.
Regardless, this is irresponsible garbage. How dare the President suggest to parents they’d better be careful taking their kids to see doctors for a sore throat, most likely strep which would simply be treated with antibiotics, for fear of unnecessary surgery.
The second example is equally disturbing suggesting doctors make huge payments for such surgeries. His alleged costs are way over the $740 to $1140 surgeons would typically receive for such a procedure. This goes right to the heart of what a detestable hateful leader Barack Obama is throwing out numbers to alarm to population to support his attempts for the government to seize control of private medicine. Implicit in his remarks are the doctors would steer away from proactive treatment knowing the big pay day comes when things don’t go right.
Consider the two quotations above. If anyone can call the President’s remarks as anything other than self-serving bold-faced lies, then what is this jibber-jabber?
Just as the President revealed his true colors in his accusations against the Cambridge Police Department and thus smearing an entire profession, law enforcement, these comments are inexcusable wicked portrayals of our health care providers.
His stereotyping of the professionals we entrust to protect our lives, police officers and doctors clearly reveals there is no real difference once the beautiful teleprompter speeches are pushed aside and we hear the unfiltered deliberate thoughts between Barack Obama’s attitude and his radical associates like Jeremiah Wright and Van Jones.
Meanwhile, try to find any reportage on Obama’s outrageous lies and wicked insinuations in the mainstream media: NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, or the New York Times.
Obama’s health care plans must fail. They are built on false assumptions serving his fundamental radical impulses not what’s good for those needing quality health care.
How can any Obama sicophants suggest reporting these remarks, his own public comments, are a smear campaign? His own words do the damage.
Consider this:
In Obama’s view, doctors would yank a kid’s tonsils for the sake of some extra income…
“Right now, doctors a lot of times are forced to make decisions based on the fee payment schedule that's out there. ... The doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, 'You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid's tonsils out,'” as the President addressed a prime time news conference, adding, "Now, that may be the right thing to do, but I'd rather have that doctor making those decisions just based on whether you really need your kid's tonsils out or whether it might make more sense just to change; maybe they have allergies. Maybe they have something else that would make a difference."
They’d also chop the foot off a diabetic who didn’t need the amputation for a nice big pay day.
“Let's take the example of something like diabetes, one of --- a disease that's skyrocketing, partly because of obesity, partly because it's not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family -- if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they're taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance. But if that same diabetic ends up getting their foot amputated, that's $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 -- immediately the surgeon is reimbursed.”
What else can one conclude other than Obama is a dirty rotten lying bastard quick to stir up images of class warfare stereotyping doctors as greedy wealth driven ogres who need the big stick of the government to pound them into shape.
In the first instance, our closet Marxist ignores that a primary care doctor makes nothing on tonsil surgery. He would refer the child to a throat specialist if there were adequate rational to do so who would then conduct the proper evaluation to determine whether such surgery is necessary. The doctor makes no money off of referrals but in Obama-Nation where conspiracies run wild, perhaps he’d want us to believe he’d get kick backs from the throat surgeon.
Regardless, this is irresponsible garbage. How dare the President suggest to parents they’d better be careful taking their kids to see doctors for a sore throat, most likely strep which would simply be treated with antibiotics, for fear of unnecessary surgery.
The second example is equally disturbing suggesting doctors make huge payments for such surgeries. His alleged costs are way over the $740 to $1140 surgeons would typically receive for such a procedure. This goes right to the heart of what a detestable hateful leader Barack Obama is throwing out numbers to alarm to population to support his attempts for the government to seize control of private medicine. Implicit in his remarks are the doctors would steer away from proactive treatment knowing the big pay day comes when things don’t go right.
Consider the two quotations above. If anyone can call the President’s remarks as anything other than self-serving bold-faced lies, then what is this jibber-jabber?
Just as the President revealed his true colors in his accusations against the Cambridge Police Department and thus smearing an entire profession, law enforcement, these comments are inexcusable wicked portrayals of our health care providers.
His stereotyping of the professionals we entrust to protect our lives, police officers and doctors clearly reveals there is no real difference once the beautiful teleprompter speeches are pushed aside and we hear the unfiltered deliberate thoughts between Barack Obama’s attitude and his radical associates like Jeremiah Wright and Van Jones.
Meanwhile, try to find any reportage on Obama’s outrageous lies and wicked insinuations in the mainstream media: NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, or the New York Times.
Obama’s health care plans must fail. They are built on false assumptions serving his fundamental radical impulses not what’s good for those needing quality health care.
How can any Obama sicophants suggest reporting these remarks, his own public comments, are a smear campaign? His own words do the damage.
We must do all we can to keep the adminstration tied up and unable to push its radical agenda forward. Our future as a free society demands it.
Is this greedy?
My optometrist diagnosed a secondary membrane in one of my eyes.
I was told to make an appointment with a specialist to perform a YAG procedure. (Remove the secondary membrane by means of a LASER)
I have no health insurance but now it comes:
1. The specialist examined the eye in question.
Charges $148.
I was told the procedure will be performed at a different clinic and an appointment was made.
2. At the clinic, what did the nurses do to prepare me for the procedure (YAG)?
They took my blood pressure and pulse.
They dilated and numbed my eye with three drops of medication.
And - not to forget - filled in some patient consent forms.
Charges $250.
3. Next a doctor showed up and told me about the procedure and that it would be painless and take only about 60 seconds. He was right, no pain nothing.
Charges: asked $450 but charged only $400
When I complained about $748 charge spread over three different entities, the above mentioned specialist cut off $50 of the doctors fee.
I was informed, that this procedure would be normally $2000 and because I had no insurance they only charging the bare minimum.
Think for a moment about $400 for 60 seconds of concentration.
It's $24000 per hour.
Any comments?
I don't have enough details to know if this is greedy but it is disturbing.
Comparing this situation to Obama's accusations is comparing apples to oranges as Obama is putting the finger on primary care physicians suggesting that they would pursue unnecessary proceudres for the sake of money even to the grotesque extent of "chopping off legs."
The optometry profession is in many ways its own beast not typical of the medical profession in general. Many clinics, particularly ones that operate out of commercial establishments like shopping malls have become a real racket. They'll make lots of money at a lower margin from vision plans that don't follow the rules regular medicine follows. Because patients don't act like consumers and they scare the hell out of you about how important your procedure is, they'll soak the hell out of private pay patients.
I don't know what part of the country you live in, but you certainly would not have been soaked like this by the Wilmer Eye Clinic (Johns Hopkins) or GBMC in the Baltimore area.
Some of the "retail" eye clinics will do a regular eye exam at a fairly reasonable rate with the notion they'll make their killing on eye glasses frames, contact lenses, and laser surgery.
However, there's good news on laser surgery. Because it's largely private pay and medical consumers have lots of options, the competition between providers has driven the cost down while making quality all important. The ones who do well for less survive, the chumps fall. This is the way free enterprise is supposed to work.
For your situation, it sounds like a situation that has escaped proper oversight and regulation. For the system to work, we should have private care providers upholding the highest standards. The government's roll then is to function as an arbitrator for situations that get out of hand.
IF the government is in control and becomes part of the decision making process for what care you get, who is going to arbitrate your situation if you're getting screwed. Further, there is little motivation to control costs. It's whatever they budget, then it's a matter of is it on budget or over budget. There is no natural process like fair market competition to drive costs down.
Why don't you present your case to a local TV station that has an "on your side" unit or see if your state has some resources to allow you to dispute these charges.
It would be interesting to see how much of what you paid actually went to the doctors and nurses involved in your procedure and not some corporate clinic operation that has lobbied for all kinds of protective policies that exempt it from true competitive market forces.
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