Is anybody surprised ACORN would not read the writing on the wall and attempt to use the law to punish those who revealed their treachery?
Politico.com reports their action: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/27501.html
Note that this action is being taken in Maryland where politically connected, former Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townshend is on the disgraced agency's executive board. Further, Baltimore City state's attorney, Patricia Jessamy, is a patsy for caving into criminals whether street thugs or institutional bums.
It's a tradition among cause oriented organizations to jury shop looking for the most favorable venue where the locality's legal system, its judges, and jury pool are most likely to provide them with a favorable verdict. Is it any wonder so many Federal cases are pursued in the 9th district for instance.
What locale could be friendlier to ACORN than Baltimore, Maryland?
As such, this criminal enterprise is seeking $500,000 for each employee and $1 million for the organization in damages in Baltimore's circuit court. Given the political climate in Baltimore and the values of some segments of the community, the unthinkable is thinkable in Crab Town.
These fine young people should be paraded in front of the public as heroes who took substantial risk to expose corruption. Just the thought that scumbags would consider legal action against them is disgusting!
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