No one can deny the Internet has become so essential to day-to-day life and the conduct of commerce that cyberthreats could be a dreadful threat to national security, but how to secure the net and what authority should be involved demands careful study and debate.
Matt Drudge has posted a report on how not to do it. Sadly, some members of the Republican party have shown their knowledge and use of modern technology sadly limited. Howard Dean showed the way of what an effective tool the Internet can be and left-wing hate groups like MoveOn.org have been exploiting it ever since.
Still, the CNet article posted by Drudge deserves careful consideration especially after recent abuses such as a dedicated White House email address for citizens to report "fishy" opinions and their use of spam to spread their messagae. Given Obama has the least amount of tolerance for opposition of any recent American President short of Richard Nixon, we should all be scared...very scared.
Please read this article:
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