The Obama Administration Must Be Destroyed
That this week marked the appointment of a radically liberal Supreme Court justice being confirmed who boasts of being the product of affirmative action and openly joked about the Courts of Appeal being where policy is made would be enough to drive moderates to conservatives crazy, but in terms of what the Obama administration has hurled upon American society as part of the President’s stated aim to transform America, the Sotomayor appointment is a relatively small issue among many far more dangerous and far reaching concerns that citizens who believe the American system which has given the world so much needs to protected against a radical attempt to reshape our society from the roots up.
The truth behind the rhetoric and slick misleading campaign themes are becoming clearer with each move the administration makes. What American citizens did not hear and understand the implication of was Obama’s promise to “transform” our society. Where that transformation is leading is now clear, and the results are absolutely unacceptable. Obama’s view of society and his policies are designed to craft a society more socialized than the nations of the European union philosophically guided by the radical leftists of the left who got tremendous exposure in the late 60’s and early 70’s on the extremist fringe of the anti-war and civil rights movement, the so-called “liberation” theology extolled by Reverend Jeremiah Wright where Christianity is used as a shell to be filled with Marxist anti-Capitalistic dogma, the cult of victimology and entitlement promoted by so-called community organizations like ACORN, and the machine politics practiced by the Chicago political machine and labor union intimidation squads. The underlying assumptions are that wealth beyond a certain level is ill-begotten, the motives of corporate America work against their perceive notions of what’s good for the American people, that a strong centralized government is best suited to decide what’s best for the population, and that most American conflicts with foreign powers are ones our culture has brought on itself through our economic and military policies. The government should decide what a person’s standard of living is capable of being not a person’s desire to achieve and work for through his or her own desire.
The way the administration conducts its affairs shows a dangerous combination of the President’s total lack of experience in established institutions that reflect how our society functions and how they are managed with a background of exclusively extreme radical influences far to the left of any notion of mainstream American politics starting early on with the radical Marxist poet, Frank Marshall David, then aligning with well-known and well-established radicals who began their radical careers with the notorious Weathermen faction, Richard Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Astonishingly lacking are any influential or mainstream Democrats unless one considers the most vicious insiders of the Chicago machine to be such. The methodology to push through its radical policies is to create a sense of urgency that rises to crisis and then turn to the most fervent leftists in the House of Representatives under Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s direction to craft the legislation loaded with considerations for special interest groups with instance on immediate passage where such measures escape having time to be adequately examined by the public or debated. The rationale is that the need for these bills is of such immediate urgency, there is no time to follow a more deliberative process. His ability to do this was predicated on having just been elected and having the glow of a honeymoon period where the public is willing to give its new leader a chance to show itself. Backed with high public approval ratings, this approach was possible for the initial “Stimulus” bill in February, the Omnibus budget bill, and the government’s acquisition of General Motors and Chrysler essentially turning them over to the UAW for control. The administration with like-minded allies in Congress in support acted at such lightening speed, the deed was done before the public could even begin to react; however in just six months, as the extent of these measures is becoming known, the dollar value of them in the trillions creating a strangling national debt, and now serious threats to the health care system which 68% of Americans in a recent poll indicated was excellent or good, have awakened the public where hopefully their action will render this dangerous radical administration unable to move its agenda and from this point forward will fail miserably advancing their wicked left-wing socialist policies.
The massive extension of Federal programs supporting and funding special interest concerns, the attempts to control executive salaries in private sector companies not receiving bailout funds, the government seizure of General Motors and Chrysler, the vicious “cap and trade” financial penalties for “carbon” pollution and the administration’s attempts to nationalize the health care industry which would result in rationing care and prescribing treatments and approaches that traditionally have been decided between a patient and his or her doctor are all concrete indications of the rapid march to a statist approach to government taking decision-making away from private citizens, medical professionals, and the business community are all benchmarks for the transformation to a socialist society where the interests of radical activist groups and labor unions rule supreme.
On the national defense and international level, the administration has eliminated all references to the war on terror arguing that terrorism is a merely a “tactic.” All references to a struggle against radical Islam has likewise been eliminated. No mention to a struggle against “Jihadism” is permissible either. The administration contends we are simply at war with Al Qaeda ignoring that Bin Ladin’s band of thugs is but one radical faction among a tremendous movement through out the Islamic world from North Africa and Southern Asia to Indonesia which is using the Islamic faith to create a political movement whose goal is to first destroy Israel and then take on the rest of Western Civilization seeing the United States as the Great Satan the controlling force they seek to destroy.
With each trip abroad to each new audience, President Obama has outlined a litany of perceived wrongs committed by the United States under previous administrations as justification for virtually any and all factions opposed to our country through out the world blaming us for what’s wrong in sweeping generalizations not willing to address the specifics of each situation many which are grounded in the corrupt and politically opportunistic forces within those countries themselves. The assumption is that any country that is involved with the United States economically must somehow be victimized and exploited by what Obama considers the greed and profit motives of American business operating abroad.
Clearly most Americans realizing these factors are at play recognize what they thought they voted for in the pursuit of “change” in last November’s election is not what the Obama administration has delivered since being inaugurated. While Obama’s intent and background was there to be seen as his candidacy ascended to victory, the news media not only failed to cover his radical background and embarrassing lack of experience. Not only did John McCain run a horrible campaign refusing to aggressively pursue his adversary’s weaknesses by appointing Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential nominee given her limited background as a first term governor of the 4th smallest state in population, he conceded the one overwhelming advantage he had, that of experience. The Republicans had grown unresponsive and too entrenched lacking a clear message to keep those outside their base in their camp. The left wing media enamored with Barack Obama’s story and the spectacle of being able to cover the first African-American President further enhanced their media stereotype of Republicans as being tools of corporate interests “big oil” and “Wall Street” fanning a sense of false class warfare which not only dovetailed with the Obama political outlook but duped some disaffected voters into playing along. The clearest reason though middle class America supported Obama was that he clearly stated he absolutely would not raise taxes on middle class wage earners; however, closer attention to the sum total of his efforts would reveal this to be a shallow lie.
In electing Barack Obama as President, the American population was not endorsing his radical agenda. Truth be told, few were even aware that any of this radicalism stuck to Obama at all. While the public sentiment can vacillate on some issues, over the long haul, the nation’s political outlook is right of center and many Democrats, the so-called “blue dogs” who successfully unseated Republicans gave every indication of being just that especially on economic issues. So far, they have cow-towed to the radical interests and iron-fisted control of their speaker, Nancy Pelosi and the negative fuzzy grip on power wielded in the Senate by Majority Leader, Harry Reid. Only Nancy Pelosi and a handful of house members from the nation’s most radical districts come close to approaching the radicalism of the Obama administration while the Senate is markedly less radical, the Democrats are quick to support the designs of a President from their ranks attempting to give him credibility as being more mainstream, a proposition that is becoming more and more transparent with each step.
Nothing could have reflected the Obama mindset and true agenda under the cover of his usually carefully staged and rehearsed image when he commented on the arrest of his radical Harvard crony, professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. by a Cambridge, Massachusetts officer recognized through out the ranks of his department as a model officer with an outstanding reputation for racial issues. While stating he did not know all the facts, Obama smugly sneered that the Cambridge police “acted stupidly.” He went on to attempt to use this episode as a smoking gun for his perception of apparent racial profiling.
Now is the time for private citizens to assert themselves and make so much noise that Washington DC is rendered into a state of perpetual unmovable gridlock until the Obama administration and Democratic majority can be voted out of office. Through speaking up at public forums, cascading their representatives with letters, phone calls, and emails, the voice of the people must overcome attempts the Obama machine will use to attempt to trivialize, intimidate, and distract their efforts by mounting organized intimidation campaigns against them manned by labor union thugs and radical special interest activists. Sheer numbers must overcome the noise and disturbance the Obama henchmen are capable of creating. While the media continues to attempt to build the Obama myth, they can only do so for so long before their credibility is completely destroyed and the reality of what surrounds them is just too compelling to ignore.
Beyond these measures, huge well-organized demonstrations, boycotts, widespread acts of nonviolent civil disobedience, all possible measures of rebellion consistent with the philosophies of Gandhi and Martin Luther King must be considered to preserve our Democracy. Not since the Vietnam War where Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon conscripted everyday Americans to fight in an unjustified war killing close to 60,000 young Americans has the threat been so clear. While 60,000 casualties in flag draped coffins wouldn’t be the end result of Obama’s health care plan, how many tens of thousands of lives will be compromised not given the necessary level of care? How many disabled citizens will be considered not worth the risk? How many seniors will be considered too old to receive life saving treatment they need? How many Americans who could have lived under today’s system would be given up on and allowed to die or suffer miserably under rationed health care which would result from the government empowered to allocate care.
We can look at these factors and their chilling impact on our lives and only pray for holy damnation against a power hungry radical regime hell bent on destroying the America we defend and love.
Don’t let this happen to us! Do something!!!! We CAN succeed!!!
That this week marked the appointment of a radically liberal Supreme Court justice being confirmed who boasts of being the product of affirmative action and openly joked about the Courts of Appeal being where policy is made would be enough to drive moderates to conservatives crazy, but in terms of what the Obama administration has hurled upon American society as part of the President’s stated aim to transform America, the Sotomayor appointment is a relatively small issue among many far more dangerous and far reaching concerns that citizens who believe the American system which has given the world so much needs to protected against a radical attempt to reshape our society from the roots up.
The truth behind the rhetoric and slick misleading campaign themes are becoming clearer with each move the administration makes. What American citizens did not hear and understand the implication of was Obama’s promise to “transform” our society. Where that transformation is leading is now clear, and the results are absolutely unacceptable. Obama’s view of society and his policies are designed to craft a society more socialized than the nations of the European union philosophically guided by the radical leftists of the left who got tremendous exposure in the late 60’s and early 70’s on the extremist fringe of the anti-war and civil rights movement, the so-called “liberation” theology extolled by Reverend Jeremiah Wright where Christianity is used as a shell to be filled with Marxist anti-Capitalistic dogma, the cult of victimology and entitlement promoted by so-called community organizations like ACORN, and the machine politics practiced by the Chicago political machine and labor union intimidation squads. The underlying assumptions are that wealth beyond a certain level is ill-begotten, the motives of corporate America work against their perceive notions of what’s good for the American people, that a strong centralized government is best suited to decide what’s best for the population, and that most American conflicts with foreign powers are ones our culture has brought on itself through our economic and military policies. The government should decide what a person’s standard of living is capable of being not a person’s desire to achieve and work for through his or her own desire.
The way the administration conducts its affairs shows a dangerous combination of the President’s total lack of experience in established institutions that reflect how our society functions and how they are managed with a background of exclusively extreme radical influences far to the left of any notion of mainstream American politics starting early on with the radical Marxist poet, Frank Marshall David, then aligning with well-known and well-established radicals who began their radical careers with the notorious Weathermen faction, Richard Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Astonishingly lacking are any influential or mainstream Democrats unless one considers the most vicious insiders of the Chicago machine to be such. The methodology to push through its radical policies is to create a sense of urgency that rises to crisis and then turn to the most fervent leftists in the House of Representatives under Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s direction to craft the legislation loaded with considerations for special interest groups with instance on immediate passage where such measures escape having time to be adequately examined by the public or debated. The rationale is that the need for these bills is of such immediate urgency, there is no time to follow a more deliberative process. His ability to do this was predicated on having just been elected and having the glow of a honeymoon period where the public is willing to give its new leader a chance to show itself. Backed with high public approval ratings, this approach was possible for the initial “Stimulus” bill in February, the Omnibus budget bill, and the government’s acquisition of General Motors and Chrysler essentially turning them over to the UAW for control. The administration with like-minded allies in Congress in support acted at such lightening speed, the deed was done before the public could even begin to react; however in just six months, as the extent of these measures is becoming known, the dollar value of them in the trillions creating a strangling national debt, and now serious threats to the health care system which 68% of Americans in a recent poll indicated was excellent or good, have awakened the public where hopefully their action will render this dangerous radical administration unable to move its agenda and from this point forward will fail miserably advancing their wicked left-wing socialist policies.
The massive extension of Federal programs supporting and funding special interest concerns, the attempts to control executive salaries in private sector companies not receiving bailout funds, the government seizure of General Motors and Chrysler, the vicious “cap and trade” financial penalties for “carbon” pollution and the administration’s attempts to nationalize the health care industry which would result in rationing care and prescribing treatments and approaches that traditionally have been decided between a patient and his or her doctor are all concrete indications of the rapid march to a statist approach to government taking decision-making away from private citizens, medical professionals, and the business community are all benchmarks for the transformation to a socialist society where the interests of radical activist groups and labor unions rule supreme.
On the national defense and international level, the administration has eliminated all references to the war on terror arguing that terrorism is a merely a “tactic.” All references to a struggle against radical Islam has likewise been eliminated. No mention to a struggle against “Jihadism” is permissible either. The administration contends we are simply at war with Al Qaeda ignoring that Bin Ladin’s band of thugs is but one radical faction among a tremendous movement through out the Islamic world from North Africa and Southern Asia to Indonesia which is using the Islamic faith to create a political movement whose goal is to first destroy Israel and then take on the rest of Western Civilization seeing the United States as the Great Satan the controlling force they seek to destroy.
With each trip abroad to each new audience, President Obama has outlined a litany of perceived wrongs committed by the United States under previous administrations as justification for virtually any and all factions opposed to our country through out the world blaming us for what’s wrong in sweeping generalizations not willing to address the specifics of each situation many which are grounded in the corrupt and politically opportunistic forces within those countries themselves. The assumption is that any country that is involved with the United States economically must somehow be victimized and exploited by what Obama considers the greed and profit motives of American business operating abroad.
Clearly most Americans realizing these factors are at play recognize what they thought they voted for in the pursuit of “change” in last November’s election is not what the Obama administration has delivered since being inaugurated. While Obama’s intent and background was there to be seen as his candidacy ascended to victory, the news media not only failed to cover his radical background and embarrassing lack of experience. Not only did John McCain run a horrible campaign refusing to aggressively pursue his adversary’s weaknesses by appointing Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential nominee given her limited background as a first term governor of the 4th smallest state in population, he conceded the one overwhelming advantage he had, that of experience. The Republicans had grown unresponsive and too entrenched lacking a clear message to keep those outside their base in their camp. The left wing media enamored with Barack Obama’s story and the spectacle of being able to cover the first African-American President further enhanced their media stereotype of Republicans as being tools of corporate interests “big oil” and “Wall Street” fanning a sense of false class warfare which not only dovetailed with the Obama political outlook but duped some disaffected voters into playing along. The clearest reason though middle class America supported Obama was that he clearly stated he absolutely would not raise taxes on middle class wage earners; however, closer attention to the sum total of his efforts would reveal this to be a shallow lie.
In electing Barack Obama as President, the American population was not endorsing his radical agenda. Truth be told, few were even aware that any of this radicalism stuck to Obama at all. While the public sentiment can vacillate on some issues, over the long haul, the nation’s political outlook is right of center and many Democrats, the so-called “blue dogs” who successfully unseated Republicans gave every indication of being just that especially on economic issues. So far, they have cow-towed to the radical interests and iron-fisted control of their speaker, Nancy Pelosi and the negative fuzzy grip on power wielded in the Senate by Majority Leader, Harry Reid. Only Nancy Pelosi and a handful of house members from the nation’s most radical districts come close to approaching the radicalism of the Obama administration while the Senate is markedly less radical, the Democrats are quick to support the designs of a President from their ranks attempting to give him credibility as being more mainstream, a proposition that is becoming more and more transparent with each step.
Nothing could have reflected the Obama mindset and true agenda under the cover of his usually carefully staged and rehearsed image when he commented on the arrest of his radical Harvard crony, professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. by a Cambridge, Massachusetts officer recognized through out the ranks of his department as a model officer with an outstanding reputation for racial issues. While stating he did not know all the facts, Obama smugly sneered that the Cambridge police “acted stupidly.” He went on to attempt to use this episode as a smoking gun for his perception of apparent racial profiling.
Now is the time for private citizens to assert themselves and make so much noise that Washington DC is rendered into a state of perpetual unmovable gridlock until the Obama administration and Democratic majority can be voted out of office. Through speaking up at public forums, cascading their representatives with letters, phone calls, and emails, the voice of the people must overcome attempts the Obama machine will use to attempt to trivialize, intimidate, and distract their efforts by mounting organized intimidation campaigns against them manned by labor union thugs and radical special interest activists. Sheer numbers must overcome the noise and disturbance the Obama henchmen are capable of creating. While the media continues to attempt to build the Obama myth, they can only do so for so long before their credibility is completely destroyed and the reality of what surrounds them is just too compelling to ignore.
Beyond these measures, huge well-organized demonstrations, boycotts, widespread acts of nonviolent civil disobedience, all possible measures of rebellion consistent with the philosophies of Gandhi and Martin Luther King must be considered to preserve our Democracy. Not since the Vietnam War where Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon conscripted everyday Americans to fight in an unjustified war killing close to 60,000 young Americans has the threat been so clear. While 60,000 casualties in flag draped coffins wouldn’t be the end result of Obama’s health care plan, how many tens of thousands of lives will be compromised not given the necessary level of care? How many disabled citizens will be considered not worth the risk? How many seniors will be considered too old to receive life saving treatment they need? How many Americans who could have lived under today’s system would be given up on and allowed to die or suffer miserably under rationed health care which would result from the government empowered to allocate care.
We can look at these factors and their chilling impact on our lives and only pray for holy damnation against a power hungry radical regime hell bent on destroying the America we defend and love.
Don’t let this happen to us! Do something!!!! We CAN succeed!!!
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