Carefully orchestrated staged event and chance slip up reveals the ruthless pursuit of achieving government takeover of health care in United States
The private citizen be damned. You are but a petty obstacle to be pushed aside if you are perceived to stand in the way of the cynical and dishonest assault to put the government between the you as an individual and your doctor making decisions affecting your wellness and life and death matters.
It was a totally artificial Town Hall in New Hampshire showtime for the Liar in Chief.
Audacity is an important word in understanding Barack Obama. After all, his book designed to create his public image was titled The Audacity of Hope, but with each passing week of his regime’s grip on power, the American people see more and more examples of audacious behavior. While Obama would consider his audacity to be one of boldness and daring, what is on exhibit is audacity meaning impudence, the lack of respect one’s behavior toward another. In this context, the Obama creed is clear.
Never has the Obama audacity been clearer in his attempts to counter the rising tide of opposition for his attempts for the government to seize control of private medical care. For the past few weeks, the news has been full of regular citizens bristling with anger and frustration attempting to voice their concerns about a health care plan they feel is unjustified, too expensive, and a threat to their freedom in making life and death decisions.
President Obama and his operatives, sympathetic members on Capitol Hill, union thugs many of whom are associated with SEIU, groups like ACORN, and the usual mouthpieces in the media have engaged in a systematic attempt to mischaracterize and stereotype state run health care opponents as an angry mob activated by special interest groups manipulated by the health insurance industry, drug companies, the Republican party, Fox news, and right wing talk show hosts. Gee whiz, no right minded person could possibly draw conclusions on his or her own that something about the Obama plan as expressed by an incomprehensible HR 3200, the 1,000 page plus bill drafted by Democrats in the House of Representatives that systematically eliminates private control of health care consists of such a radical transformation of American society any justification for its passage appears absolutely absurd. While the administration attempted to gin up a sense of crisis, that the health care situation is so out of control, an emergency response is required, based on the behavior of Democrats on Capitol Hill when pushing through other “emergencies” suggested that it was time to slam on the brakes. When bills for the Stimulus package and budget were rushed through with such lightening speed everyday citizens recognized the legislators surely did not have time to even give the bills a superficial glimpse much less reading them in detail, the public realized the legislative process had spiraled out of control to a new sense of arrogance and detachment from the will of the people. The stage was set for the public’s outrage when the health care bill was presented to be completed by the traditional August recess.
From California to Maryland, from New England to Georgia, and through out the heartland, citizens spread the word. In a grassroots movement which Speaker Nancy Pelosi attempted to characterize as “Astroturf” as in false outrage, senior citizens, ordinary citizens, parents and family members caring for disabled or chronically ill loved ones, found their voice. There voice was loud but honest. In the true spirit of American Democracy and the first amendment, the sleeping giant, the voice of the people was awakened.
The reaction in the media and by Democrats was dismissive, disrespectful, and dishonest. Calling concerned citizens as everything from being special interest plants to racists, there was no end to marginalize these regular citizens not wanting to have something so far reaching steamrollered over them.
Viewing that virtually all “town hall” gatherings were producing the same results even in the most fervently loyal Democratic territories, a sense of panic began setting in while the administration and its lapdogs attempted to maintain a calm image. While accusing their opponents of mob behavior, where violence did break out, it was instigated as caught on camera by union hit men some even wearing SEIU t-shirts. Rather than intimidating the public seeing even a polite black conservative being roughed up by union thugs in Missouri, it only sparked more determination.
It was time for the President to seize the moment. Surely, no one knows how to snake charm a crowd like Barack Obama. Fire up the teleprompter and let the show begin. The bright idea was to head for New Hampshire attempting to recapture some of the primary election fervor and with the President’s superior demeanor and communications skills, he could prevail upon a reasonable audience who would act as what the President and his sympathizers would see as model and rational citizens. The public would see this as the real event and conclude that all the other events were taken out of context being exploited for their sensationalistic value by evil agents like Fox News and the conservative bloggers.
True to form, the New Hampshire crowd was quite accommodating of the President while demonstrators assembled in huge numbers outside. An analysis of the crowd revealed that this crowd was exactly what the administration accused his opposition of creating only this one sympathetic to his concerns. The audience was made up of party activists, union members, and others who’d help create the grand illusion the President hoped to spin.
Perhaps the most blatant example of staging was when the voice of the innocent was supposed to help the President put in perspective all the harsh criticism he had been receiving. Unfortunately for the President, the predictably Liberal Boston Globe blew his cover reporting the whole situation for what it was – a planned deception.
Text from the Boston Globe:
A girl from Malden asked President Obama a question at Tuesday’s town hall meeting in New Hampshire about the signs outside “saying mean things” about his health care proposal.
Eleven-year-old Julia Hall asked: “How do kids know what is true, and why do people want a new system that can — that help more of us?”
The question opened the door for the president to respond to what he called an “underlying fear” among the public “that people somehow won’t get the care they need.”
The girl later told the Globe that picking the president’s brain was “incredible.”
“It was like a once in a lifetime experience,” she said.
Julia’s mother was an early Obama supporter in Massachusetts during the presidential election, so she had previously met First Lady Michelle Obama, the Obama daughters Sasha and Malia, and Vice President Joe Biden.
“This was my first time meeting Barack Obama, and he’s a very nice man,” Julia said. “I’m glad I voted for him.”
She said Obama won a mock presidential election at the Cheverus School in 2008. And on Tuesday, he approached her after the town meeting.
“He said ‘great question,’” Julia said. “I shook his hand and got his picture.”
Kathleen Manning Hall, Julia’s mother, was shocked when her daughter said she wanted to ask a question. They wrote it down beforehand, and Julia didn’t miss a beat when Obama called on her.
“It was surreal,” said Manning Hall, a coordinator of Massachusetts Women for Obama during the election.
Now there’s a plant if there ever was one!!!
The softball questions continued as the President’s audacity bubbled over into pure hubris. While just the night before, the executive director of AARP specifically made clear on the “O’Reilly Factor” that his organization would not endorse the Obama health care takeover, the President in a bold faced lie claimed AARP was in his pocket while claiming, "we have the AARP onboard because they know this is a good deal for our seniors. AARP would not be endorsing a bill if it was undermining Medicare."
While trying to argue his contention that his health plan would not curtail private insurance, probably hearing the arguments that the public was concerned if the government can’t run the post office, how could they run health care, Obama sounded especially disconnected while trying to smooth all things over when he noted, "UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. It's the Post Office that's always having problems."
Well, gee Mr. President, isn’t that exactly why we don’t want your freakin’ health care plan?
Naturally, Obama had some words for his critics blaming cable news dispatching his chief misinformer, Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, to drive home harsh criticism on the NBC Today Show against all foes of his health plan.
What happened in New Hampshire is a clear illustration of how this administration operates where through what should have been a carefully staged made-for-media event could, if covered properly by the news media, create the alternate reality, the brave new world, the President hopes to brainwash the public into believing is real.
Meanwhile, as the town hall meetings continue and the pro-Obama forces attempt to wedge their way into influencing the discussion, having seen what happened in Missouri, the rough Chicago politics of brutality and intimidation are in play. How far will SEIU, ACORN operatives and other radicals go to intimidate regular citizens simply exercising their right to participatory democracy or to provoke a scene to make the crowd look out of control and violent.
The sad conclusion is in Obama-nation, the ends justify the means. It’s simply a question of what tactics will be employed, how dishonest they’re prepared to be, and to what extent they are willing to prey upon average American citizens treating them with total contempt and dishonesty in pursuit of their agenda of which nothing could mark the march toward a socialized state in a much bolder move than laying the ground for the government takeover of the nation’s health care system.
Audacity is an important word in understanding Barack Obama. After all, his book designed to create his public image was titled The Audacity of Hope, but with each passing week of his regime’s grip on power, the American people see more and more examples of audacious behavior. While Obama would consider his audacity to be one of boldness and daring, what is on exhibit is audacity meaning impudence, the lack of respect one’s behavior toward another. In this context, the Obama creed is clear.
Never has the Obama audacity been clearer in his attempts to counter the rising tide of opposition for his attempts for the government to seize control of private medical care. For the past few weeks, the news has been full of regular citizens bristling with anger and frustration attempting to voice their concerns about a health care plan they feel is unjustified, too expensive, and a threat to their freedom in making life and death decisions.
President Obama and his operatives, sympathetic members on Capitol Hill, union thugs many of whom are associated with SEIU, groups like ACORN, and the usual mouthpieces in the media have engaged in a systematic attempt to mischaracterize and stereotype state run health care opponents as an angry mob activated by special interest groups manipulated by the health insurance industry, drug companies, the Republican party, Fox news, and right wing talk show hosts. Gee whiz, no right minded person could possibly draw conclusions on his or her own that something about the Obama plan as expressed by an incomprehensible HR 3200, the 1,000 page plus bill drafted by Democrats in the House of Representatives that systematically eliminates private control of health care consists of such a radical transformation of American society any justification for its passage appears absolutely absurd. While the administration attempted to gin up a sense of crisis, that the health care situation is so out of control, an emergency response is required, based on the behavior of Democrats on Capitol Hill when pushing through other “emergencies” suggested that it was time to slam on the brakes. When bills for the Stimulus package and budget were rushed through with such lightening speed everyday citizens recognized the legislators surely did not have time to even give the bills a superficial glimpse much less reading them in detail, the public realized the legislative process had spiraled out of control to a new sense of arrogance and detachment from the will of the people. The stage was set for the public’s outrage when the health care bill was presented to be completed by the traditional August recess.
From California to Maryland, from New England to Georgia, and through out the heartland, citizens spread the word. In a grassroots movement which Speaker Nancy Pelosi attempted to characterize as “Astroturf” as in false outrage, senior citizens, ordinary citizens, parents and family members caring for disabled or chronically ill loved ones, found their voice. There voice was loud but honest. In the true spirit of American Democracy and the first amendment, the sleeping giant, the voice of the people was awakened.
The reaction in the media and by Democrats was dismissive, disrespectful, and dishonest. Calling concerned citizens as everything from being special interest plants to racists, there was no end to marginalize these regular citizens not wanting to have something so far reaching steamrollered over them.
Viewing that virtually all “town hall” gatherings were producing the same results even in the most fervently loyal Democratic territories, a sense of panic began setting in while the administration and its lapdogs attempted to maintain a calm image. While accusing their opponents of mob behavior, where violence did break out, it was instigated as caught on camera by union hit men some even wearing SEIU t-shirts. Rather than intimidating the public seeing even a polite black conservative being roughed up by union thugs in Missouri, it only sparked more determination.
It was time for the President to seize the moment. Surely, no one knows how to snake charm a crowd like Barack Obama. Fire up the teleprompter and let the show begin. The bright idea was to head for New Hampshire attempting to recapture some of the primary election fervor and with the President’s superior demeanor and communications skills, he could prevail upon a reasonable audience who would act as what the President and his sympathizers would see as model and rational citizens. The public would see this as the real event and conclude that all the other events were taken out of context being exploited for their sensationalistic value by evil agents like Fox News and the conservative bloggers.
True to form, the New Hampshire crowd was quite accommodating of the President while demonstrators assembled in huge numbers outside. An analysis of the crowd revealed that this crowd was exactly what the administration accused his opposition of creating only this one sympathetic to his concerns. The audience was made up of party activists, union members, and others who’d help create the grand illusion the President hoped to spin.
Perhaps the most blatant example of staging was when the voice of the innocent was supposed to help the President put in perspective all the harsh criticism he had been receiving. Unfortunately for the President, the predictably Liberal Boston Globe blew his cover reporting the whole situation for what it was – a planned deception.
Text from the Boston Globe:
A girl from Malden asked President Obama a question at Tuesday’s town hall meeting in New Hampshire about the signs outside “saying mean things” about his health care proposal.
Eleven-year-old Julia Hall asked: “How do kids know what is true, and why do people want a new system that can — that help more of us?”
The question opened the door for the president to respond to what he called an “underlying fear” among the public “that people somehow won’t get the care they need.”
The girl later told the Globe that picking the president’s brain was “incredible.”
“It was like a once in a lifetime experience,” she said.
Julia’s mother was an early Obama supporter in Massachusetts during the presidential election, so she had previously met First Lady Michelle Obama, the Obama daughters Sasha and Malia, and Vice President Joe Biden.
“This was my first time meeting Barack Obama, and he’s a very nice man,” Julia said. “I’m glad I voted for him.”
She said Obama won a mock presidential election at the Cheverus School in 2008. And on Tuesday, he approached her after the town meeting.
“He said ‘great question,’” Julia said. “I shook his hand and got his picture.”
Kathleen Manning Hall, Julia’s mother, was shocked when her daughter said she wanted to ask a question. They wrote it down beforehand, and Julia didn’t miss a beat when Obama called on her.
“It was surreal,” said Manning Hall, a coordinator of Massachusetts Women for Obama during the election.
Now there’s a plant if there ever was one!!!
The softball questions continued as the President’s audacity bubbled over into pure hubris. While just the night before, the executive director of AARP specifically made clear on the “O’Reilly Factor” that his organization would not endorse the Obama health care takeover, the President in a bold faced lie claimed AARP was in his pocket while claiming, "we have the AARP onboard because they know this is a good deal for our seniors. AARP would not be endorsing a bill if it was undermining Medicare."
While trying to argue his contention that his health plan would not curtail private insurance, probably hearing the arguments that the public was concerned if the government can’t run the post office, how could they run health care, Obama sounded especially disconnected while trying to smooth all things over when he noted, "UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. It's the Post Office that's always having problems."
Well, gee Mr. President, isn’t that exactly why we don’t want your freakin’ health care plan?
Naturally, Obama had some words for his critics blaming cable news dispatching his chief misinformer, Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, to drive home harsh criticism on the NBC Today Show against all foes of his health plan.
What happened in New Hampshire is a clear illustration of how this administration operates where through what should have been a carefully staged made-for-media event could, if covered properly by the news media, create the alternate reality, the brave new world, the President hopes to brainwash the public into believing is real.
Meanwhile, as the town hall meetings continue and the pro-Obama forces attempt to wedge their way into influencing the discussion, having seen what happened in Missouri, the rough Chicago politics of brutality and intimidation are in play. How far will SEIU, ACORN operatives and other radicals go to intimidate regular citizens simply exercising their right to participatory democracy or to provoke a scene to make the crowd look out of control and violent.
The sad conclusion is in Obama-nation, the ends justify the means. It’s simply a question of what tactics will be employed, how dishonest they’re prepared to be, and to what extent they are willing to prey upon average American citizens treating them with total contempt and dishonesty in pursuit of their agenda of which nothing could mark the march toward a socialized state in a much bolder move than laying the ground for the government takeover of the nation’s health care system.
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