How filthy and politically calculating we find Barack Obama’s attempt to manipulate religion and faith in to the health care debate. By virtue of winning the 2008 Presidential election, President Obama is entrusted certain duties as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States. The scope of his authority is carefully constructed within the Constitution and in taking the Presidential oath, he made his sacred pledge, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
What is set forth in the constitution, nothing more, gives the President his authority, and while we have had many Presidents whose faith guided their vision and helped direct their action including Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush, none of these figures ever used their faith as a wedge to define citizens on opposing sides of a political issue as being spiritually noble for supporting and issue and sinful and dishonest for opposing an issue.
On what moral authority does the President derive any credibility attempting to cast the health care debate according to passages of scripture he bends and distorts to make them sound like supporting arguments of his position?
Examine Barack Obama’s religious upbringing, his choices as an adult, and how he operates now and it’s clear there is no clear spiritual center in his thinking. Between his father who was originally Muslim but turned atheist to his mother who could best be described as spiritually confused, Obama was never fully integrated into a specific religion nor did he seek to embrace any religion or attempt to define his beliefs from an individualist stance until he realized to achieve his ambitions it would be necessary to do so. However, what is undeniable that from his college days forward, he deeply involved with Marxists and others espousing various radical and socialist beliefs all which were clearly secular. One must never forget communism defines religion as the opiate of the people and whether Obama specifically embraced that concept, it was at the heart of the values system of those from whom his values were influenced.
What the American people need to understand is that some of the most revealing statements about Obama’s attitude toward his religious involvement come not from opinions and reportage from conservatives but from Obama’s own words including his book, The Audacity of Hope. He stated that Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the outspoken anti-Semite, anti-White, anti-American radical church leader, brought him to Jesus, married him, and baptized his children. Given the wealth of Obama’s radical influences and the vicious rhetoric spewing from Wright’s Trinity Church, that Obama did not know what was going on during his twenty year association simply doesn’t ring true.
Clearly, when all the information is assembled mostly framed by Obama’s own words, his involvement with Wright’s church was a careful, calculated move to help develop his political credentials within the Chicago activist black community. How much of Wright’s black liberation theology Barack Obama assimilated into his own views is hard to evaluate.
Add it all up, any claims Obama makes to claim the kind of Christian status or to embrace the kind of Christian values most American Christians embrace simply don’t add up and have no credibility.
The truth is that there really was no surprise at all when videos of Wright’s vicious outbursts surfaced in the media. There’s no way Barack Obama could not have known what was going on. It translates into a classic “gotcha” moment.
Unlike former Presidents as vastly different as Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Jimmy Carter, the Christian message is not a source of comfort, guidance, and inspiration as it was in vastly different contexts for each of these former Presidents. For Barack Obama, Christianity is yet another political tactic, a means to an end, a vehicle to shape his rhetoric and influence to manipulate public perception to the extent that they can be fooled by his salesmanship.
Consider this, when campaigning in the primary election in Pennsylvania, Obama speaking at a San Francisco fund raiser spoke of Pennsylvanians “who clung to guns and religion” clearly attempting to stereotype the small town and rural conservative population as intellectually inferior and that their religious faith was but one attribute showing their lack of sophistication. That played great with the radical far-left San Francisco audience pandering quite effectively to their prejudices against heartland America.
Now, a little over a year later, Obama is using biblical language to create what would seem to be in his mind a moral imperative to support the Government seizure of private health care and to viciously demonize his opponents “bearing false” witness.
Can anything be a more conspicuous attempt at vile demagoguery?
Take Obama’s most recent tactics to defend his health care plan and his attempts to discredit opponents to his policies along with other voices within his administration, radical Democrats on Capitol Hill, and his sympathetic media shills as an attack on ordinary citizens expressing their questions, concerns, and grievances not only are they showing an elitist, we’re better than you are so you don’t count kind of attitude but the way it undermines ordinary citizens by attacking their morality, impugning their affiliation with certain organizations seen as enemies to the left amounts to the kind of brutal oppression known as McCarthyism as the Cold War got hotter and more threatening during the Truman presidency after World War II.
What Obama fails to realize, he can trot all the religious figures he likes out as pitchmen for his policies, that he has openly attacked his opponents invoking divine sanction can only unite those who are truly faithful who will see their convictions as being toyed with for cynical political gain. Obama’s history in dealing with matters of faith and his association with Reverend Wright never finding an alternative since splitting from his old Chicago church when the political heat got too hot can’t be brushed under the rug. The middle and working class citizens and senior citizens who started out breaking away from Obama with the Tax Day “Tea Party” protests and now find the prospects of the radical transformation of American society injecting the government into every aspect of health care delivery will reject Obama’s shallow religiosity. By attacking them on false assertions for who he perceives them to be, his opponents will only become more steadfast in their opposition and will find more conviction in their understanding just how wicked and threatening the Obama administration is.
We must all proudly assert who we are, speak up for the preservation of the American system that has served us so well giving us a rich standard of living where freedom and opportunity give every person the chance to accomplish great things. In Obama-Nation, all citizens are simply rank-in-file, followers in the movement, servile masses who need to be led and provided for by the ever expanding state.
Stand up and fight. Pray for wisdom and that the American people will prevail against the vicious onslaught of an oppressive secular society.
What is set forth in the constitution, nothing more, gives the President his authority, and while we have had many Presidents whose faith guided their vision and helped direct their action including Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush, none of these figures ever used their faith as a wedge to define citizens on opposing sides of a political issue as being spiritually noble for supporting and issue and sinful and dishonest for opposing an issue.
On what moral authority does the President derive any credibility attempting to cast the health care debate according to passages of scripture he bends and distorts to make them sound like supporting arguments of his position?
Examine Barack Obama’s religious upbringing, his choices as an adult, and how he operates now and it’s clear there is no clear spiritual center in his thinking. Between his father who was originally Muslim but turned atheist to his mother who could best be described as spiritually confused, Obama was never fully integrated into a specific religion nor did he seek to embrace any religion or attempt to define his beliefs from an individualist stance until he realized to achieve his ambitions it would be necessary to do so. However, what is undeniable that from his college days forward, he deeply involved with Marxists and others espousing various radical and socialist beliefs all which were clearly secular. One must never forget communism defines religion as the opiate of the people and whether Obama specifically embraced that concept, it was at the heart of the values system of those from whom his values were influenced.
What the American people need to understand is that some of the most revealing statements about Obama’s attitude toward his religious involvement come not from opinions and reportage from conservatives but from Obama’s own words including his book, The Audacity of Hope. He stated that Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the outspoken anti-Semite, anti-White, anti-American radical church leader, brought him to Jesus, married him, and baptized his children. Given the wealth of Obama’s radical influences and the vicious rhetoric spewing from Wright’s Trinity Church, that Obama did not know what was going on during his twenty year association simply doesn’t ring true.
Clearly, when all the information is assembled mostly framed by Obama’s own words, his involvement with Wright’s church was a careful, calculated move to help develop his political credentials within the Chicago activist black community. How much of Wright’s black liberation theology Barack Obama assimilated into his own views is hard to evaluate.
Add it all up, any claims Obama makes to claim the kind of Christian status or to embrace the kind of Christian values most American Christians embrace simply don’t add up and have no credibility.
The truth is that there really was no surprise at all when videos of Wright’s vicious outbursts surfaced in the media. There’s no way Barack Obama could not have known what was going on. It translates into a classic “gotcha” moment.
Unlike former Presidents as vastly different as Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Jimmy Carter, the Christian message is not a source of comfort, guidance, and inspiration as it was in vastly different contexts for each of these former Presidents. For Barack Obama, Christianity is yet another political tactic, a means to an end, a vehicle to shape his rhetoric and influence to manipulate public perception to the extent that they can be fooled by his salesmanship.
Consider this, when campaigning in the primary election in Pennsylvania, Obama speaking at a San Francisco fund raiser spoke of Pennsylvanians “who clung to guns and religion” clearly attempting to stereotype the small town and rural conservative population as intellectually inferior and that their religious faith was but one attribute showing their lack of sophistication. That played great with the radical far-left San Francisco audience pandering quite effectively to their prejudices against heartland America.
Now, a little over a year later, Obama is using biblical language to create what would seem to be in his mind a moral imperative to support the Government seizure of private health care and to viciously demonize his opponents “bearing false” witness.
Can anything be a more conspicuous attempt at vile demagoguery?
Take Obama’s most recent tactics to defend his health care plan and his attempts to discredit opponents to his policies along with other voices within his administration, radical Democrats on Capitol Hill, and his sympathetic media shills as an attack on ordinary citizens expressing their questions, concerns, and grievances not only are they showing an elitist, we’re better than you are so you don’t count kind of attitude but the way it undermines ordinary citizens by attacking their morality, impugning their affiliation with certain organizations seen as enemies to the left amounts to the kind of brutal oppression known as McCarthyism as the Cold War got hotter and more threatening during the Truman presidency after World War II.
What Obama fails to realize, he can trot all the religious figures he likes out as pitchmen for his policies, that he has openly attacked his opponents invoking divine sanction can only unite those who are truly faithful who will see their convictions as being toyed with for cynical political gain. Obama’s history in dealing with matters of faith and his association with Reverend Wright never finding an alternative since splitting from his old Chicago church when the political heat got too hot can’t be brushed under the rug. The middle and working class citizens and senior citizens who started out breaking away from Obama with the Tax Day “Tea Party” protests and now find the prospects of the radical transformation of American society injecting the government into every aspect of health care delivery will reject Obama’s shallow religiosity. By attacking them on false assertions for who he perceives them to be, his opponents will only become more steadfast in their opposition and will find more conviction in their understanding just how wicked and threatening the Obama administration is.
We must all proudly assert who we are, speak up for the preservation of the American system that has served us so well giving us a rich standard of living where freedom and opportunity give every person the chance to accomplish great things. In Obama-Nation, all citizens are simply rank-in-file, followers in the movement, servile masses who need to be led and provided for by the ever expanding state.
Stand up and fight. Pray for wisdom and that the American people will prevail against the vicious onslaught of an oppressive secular society.
1 comment:
So well put!
There's no denying some aspects of our medical delivery system need improvement, but government seizure and control is not the answer.
The uninsured, citizens with pre-existing conditions, and chronic/catastrophic needs can be met without surrending the freedom we currently have.
The government approach is all about those who believe in government power as an end -- that they know what's best for society and that they are some how an elitist group having status above the rest of the citizens. They will determine our needs and restrict our freedom to satisfy our needs elsewhere making us totally dependent on the government further enhancing their power.
Dependence on the government is servility not freedom. We are compelled to fight this huge restructing of our society contrary to the intent of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
Rise up. Speak out!!!
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