Sunday, June 20, 2010

Threats Against Census Workers and Glenn Beck

The most dangerous figure in the media mainstream?
Violence Against Census Workers

Are you proud of yourself, Glenn Beck? In the two years Glenn Beck has had his 5:00 pm program on Fox News Network, he has been stirring up raw emotions about some kind of apocalyptic judgment day coming when the American people and the ever intrusive government will have a day of reckoning.

While Glenn Beck certainly has identified some of the worst scoundrels in the Obama administration and called them out for what they really are – radical leftists, and he also notes the extent to which the Obama administration and Democratic party dominated congress have taken tremendous strides toward making government more all-powerful and obtrusive, he has done so in such a way that transcends legitimate concerns about real issues and real people into a kind of paranoid manic mindset stoking the worst fears in his fans and viewers always cleverly manipulating a third element, the natural fear of the unknown.

While the census might be a minor, a very minor nuisance, it is important that all citizens complete the form and return it. Not to do so is self-defeating a lesson that is lost on pseudo-know-it-all’s like Glenn Beck. Congressional districts are apportioned based on the census enumeration. If a citizen wants his or her district adequately represented, then it would be incumbent on that person to make sure he or she is counted and that others in the community are as well. The census in nothing arbitrary or some ploy dreamed up by the infamous shadowy progressive conspirators whom Beck constantly stirs up as the boogey men behind all that is wrong today. The census is, in fact a product of those sacred founding fathers – the same guys Beck has reinvented to be like-minded practitioners of his notion of deity, morality, and paranoid politics. Glenn Beck encourages his viewers to study the Constitution. He should do the same and consider Article One, Section Two, paragraph 3.

If Beck is looking for a scapegoat for the inconvenience or intrusion of having to participate in the census, his fall guy should be James Madison not Woodrow Wilson. In light of his hostile ranting and ravings about the Census, his false accusations, and mischaracterizations only serve to stir up a hostile climate his true believers might subject legitimate census workers to have to deal with. Like it or not, they are simply people hired to do a job.

The Washington Post reports the extent to which census workers have been assaulted and mistreated during the 2010 enumeration follow-up:

Surely, anyone who is familiar with the manner by which the Obama administration handles itself, the public should be very suspicious of how it uses census data to further its political aims. Likewise, the extent to which factions like Acorn or what Acorn has morphed into are involved in any aspects of the census particularly if it involves the accumulation and reportage of data should be carefully watched for signs of abuse and manipulation.

The bottom line is the public is well-served by a government having good, objective information about the public at large, and as long as the data is kept confidential and is gathered in a professional, impartial way, the citizens of the United States should participate in good faith as best they can.

Where there might be abuse in the process, if some administrators are not following proper procedures, inflating or deflating numbers, or engaged in anything that creates an inaccurate or misleading census, that is an issue worthy of much exploration.

Regardless, the Constitution has empowered Congress to make law to determine how the Census is conducted.

Absolutely nothing involved with the 2010 Census justifies that any citizen behave in a confrontational or uncivil manner toward anyone employed to assist with the census count. Should a census agent not act professionally or seem incapable of rendering the responsibilities demanded of the job, then such conduct should be reported to the appropriate authorities.

There are two big takeaways from today’s discussion. First, the Census is a necessary tool to the functioning of our free society. Second, here is yet another issue that demonstrates why Glenn Beck is a dangerous and seditious voice whose view of the issues and his attempts to influence public opinion are horribly misguided and potentially dangerous. His employer, Fox News must accept some responsibility for having some of its program content create a hostile environment harmful to census workers.

If Fox News seeks to be the nation’s preeminent news source, they cannot afford to have failed entertainers posing as knowledgeable pundits stirring up rancor over false issues for the sake of cheap ratings success. As long as figures like Glenn Beck and Geraldo Rivera are presented as veritable members of the Fox News cast, they are cheapening their product and integrity in the news business.

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