Monday, June 14, 2010

Gulf Oil Catastrophe: More Evidence Disaster was Preventable

Even the staunchest defenders of corporate might and critics of Federal oversight must be coming to terms that BP’s irresponsibility far exceeds any level of tolerance. Here’s a report based on an email sent by BP engineer, Brian Morel, addressed to two Democratic members of congress and Tony Heyward, the disgraced CEO of BP sent on April 14th six days before the Gulf oil catastrophe.

This engineer’s findings show a terrible disregard for best safety practices in setting up the Horizon drill platform and also show that Haliburton, a petroleum technology company that is a favorite whipping post of the radical left, did not endorse the shortcuts BP used in their installation urging far greater though more time consuming methods.

While keeping priorities straight is important, once BP has addressed the immediate needs in capping the undersea oil gusher, all responsible officials must be held accountable for the worst environmental disaster the United States has even known.

See the following article for the details of this disturbing “nightmare” revelation.

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