Friday, June 4, 2010

Paul McCartney Plays the White House - Some Thoughts

Paul McCartney's performance in receipt of the Gershwin Award at the White House prompts two areas of thought -- why pop stars and politics don't mix, and that conservative pundits are wasting way too much time using McCartney's appearance as something significant to criticize Barack Obama.

When it comes to pop stars mouthing off about politics, I wish they would shut the hell up. There is nothing about writing love songs, singing, or playing guitar that gives a person any insight into the world of politics and global issues. Yet since the 1960's, pop culture and political culture is getting increasingly cozy in so far as the way-out unrealistic idealism of the flower children of the 60's has created sort of a hippie creed pop figures seem compelled to embrace while the Democratic party has been seized by the political positions of the most far out and anti-American sects of the hippie movement. Naturally, some of it goes all the way back to Woodie Guthrie, intimately involved in a very radical side of the labor movement. Who thinks he's a modern day Woody Gurthrie? Bruce Springsteen, of course. As such, it was very disappointing to hear Paul McCartney take a swipe at former President George W. Bush stating the current President, " least knows what a library is."

For some performers like Springsteen and John Mellencamp, it's getting harder and harder to separate their politics from their music. They are so outspoken and so wrong.

Conservative talkers are making a big issue of Paul McCartney performing at the White House. While it's disappointing to see someone as beloved at one of the Beatles sucking up to someone as detestable as Barack Obama, it goes with the territory. The President wines and dines many celebrities from all around the world. It goes with the turf. Suggesting that President Obama spends way too much time dedicating his time to leisure activities rather than rolling up his sleeves and working on the Gulf oil spill and the out of control boundary in Arizona is absolutely a legitimate criticism. Few would argue including prominent democrats and left-wing media mouths that Obama has been way too detached from the horrible mess in the Gulf of Mexico region. There are way too many things that require his approval and commitment that are just gathering dust. Going to Illinois and not honoring the unknown soldier in Washington, frequent golf outings, stories about "date nights," major musicians performing at the White House, and generally a President who appears to have plenty of time for leisure activity taken together show a President lacking the will to fully engage in the requirements of his job. While he never misses the opportunity to make politically oriented speeches to trash his opponents and enjoying the perks of being head-of-state, the day-to-day nuts and bolts running the government, the managerial function is woefully neglected. Looking at his experience prior to his election, that was a huge concern for those who bothered to examine his background.

Rock stars will be rock stars, but we would hope Presidents would be effective leaders. When it comes to effective, timely leadership, Barack Obama is shameful failure.

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