Barack Obama shares his socialist vision with "Joe the Plumber"Samuel J. Wurzelbacher is an ordinary guy. When Barack Obama came to his community in Ohio, he decided he should attend the campaign visit to become better informed about the candidates. Wurzelbacher has saved his money and expressed his interest in buying the company that employs him. Part of his decision making process is to understand the full extent of his financial commitments including what possible tax liabilities he might face. Buying the plumbing company might put him in the $250,000 range which would, as stated frequently, put him over the threshold for higher taxes under the Obama economic and tax plan. When given the opportunity, Mr. Wurzelbacher, “Joe the Plumber,” was acknowledged by the candidate and given the opportunity to question.
"Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?..... "more and more for fulfilling the American dream."
Obama responded, "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too. My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
Is this the kind of CHANGE patriotic American’s would HOPE for? Where in a free society is it government’s responsibility to “spread the wealth around.” In classic economic terms, a private middle class citizen is exploring the opportunity to own his own business as a private citizen in a free enterprise system. Our Republic was founded in part on a conflict involving taxation without representation as citizens of Boston rebelled against a levy on tea imposed by the British colonial government, hence the famous “Boston Tea Party.”
Under what economic theory is the free enterprise system seen as evil and the middle class villainized (the hated bourgeoisies)? The Communist system, of course is the answer, and today’s citizens would be well served to review the historic document which paved the way for so much oppression, suffering, and death in the 20th Century. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels is a scathing attack on the development of the growth of the middle class and free market economy developing in Europe, the United States, and around the world, as the last remnants of the feudal system where royalty was at the top, then there were layers of privileged elite, the dukes, duchesses, earls, counts, countesses, lords, and ladies all titles which identified members of the chosen families as part of the ruling class. Beneath them was a small middle class of shop owners and service providers, but the bulk of the population was the peasant class. With the emergence of democracy and the industrial revolution, Marx saw the power distributed in the upper realms of the middle class who subverted the working class into economic submission. The bourgeoisies were the “haves” and the proletariats were the “have not’s.” All struggle was, in essence, class struggle between those who controlled the means of production and those who labored to produce those products.
How revealing it is to read the Communist Manifesto in 2008 and see how much of its ideology is at the heart of what makes up Barack Obama’s vision of society, and the concept of class warfare as manipulated by the Democratic party comes directly from Marxist dogma.
Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, understood Marxism, when they became politically active in the 1960’s. Their political goals went beyond that of civil rights and stopping the Vietnam War. They sought the destruction of the American system as it existed to be overthrown and replaced by a classless society where the means of production would belong to the state and private property would not exist.
It is chilling to read the writings of Marx and Engels see how much modern liberalism, the philosophy of the far left, the views articulated by groups like, The Daily KOs, and Media Matters reflect their beliefs. Further, the corruption and destruction of traditional values, the sanctity of the family, and all forms of spiritual expression were clearly articulated in the Manifesto itself.
Perhaps more chilling was how Marx and Engels recognized by infiltrating the press and the institutions of learning would be essential to help indoctrinate society into a socialist point of view.
It’s all there, plain to see in the document of world communism itself. Look through Barack Obama’s past associates and see how many of them were committed Marxists on a wide range of issues. Further, the Liberation Theology espoused by Jeremiah Wright is essentially the imposition of Marxist social and economic theory over a radicalized form of Christianity the essence of which was so clearly stated in Wright’s speeches last spring and in the video clips from his showmanship at his Chicago church.
Our society’s vision was established by the “Declaration of Independence” which established:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The articulation of government which follows is that of a limited government to secure these goals.
In socialist society as stated by Marx, there is no individual freedom, instead, basic justice is based on the concept of:
From each according to his ability. To each according to his need.
In other words, it’s okay to “spread the wealth around. It’s good for everybody.”
Another aspect of Marxism is that their ideology is so reverent that no morality or human decency governs the spread of their control. In the pursuit of Communist revolution there is no recognition of a “Creator” who has granted us rights and responsibilities. Instead, to the devoted Marxist revolutionary, the end justifies the means. The hundreds of thousands who died as Mao Tse Tung marched east to control the Chinese mainland was absolutely justified in the context of communist teaching.
Besides the Democratic party, where is extreme left wing thinking promoted? Take a look at the news media, the college campus, and labor unions. The end justifies the means. As such, the Democratic party supports labor’s desire to eliminate secret ballots in union elections so members can be ridiculed and coerced if their vote doesn’t conform to the party line.
Small businesses like “Plumber Joe’s” are of no interest to the radical left. Of what good is entrepreneurshio? Why should an individual decide how he thinks he can best contribute to society? Maybe the state thinks his talents would be better served elsewhere. Besides that, might small businesses like his threaten larger unionized plumbing operations?
For right now, Obama will give lip service to some aspects of small business creation, but nothing reveals his inner political philosophy better than his assertion that his government is best suited for deciding where “Plumber Joe’s” money should go. The government can decide how much is too much and it’s perfectly okay to transfer one person’s earning to anothers.
Okay, enough of the intellectual documentation. Wake up and realize Barack Obama is a goddamned communist. He sure is not an American constitutionalist. Once again, I do question Mr. Obama’s patriotism. To believe in socialism is to believe in the destruction of the amazing society that grew out of the principles signed off by a dedicated group of visionary patriots in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. Out of the carefully crafted vision of mankind and its relationship to government, the Declaration of Independence set the framework for what would become the United States of America. Years later, many of these same men would contribute to the United States Constitution and its first ten amendments we know of as the Bill of Rights.
Piss on the heritage and vote for Obama. You are hereby compelled to do everything you can in the next couple weeks to ensure there is no way Barack Obama will seize control of our government and have us living in Obama-Nation. This could be the most important decision of your life.