Why Should a Good American Kid Have To Put Up With This Kind Of Garbage??
NBC Publishes Story, "Phelps Emphatically Denies Doping Allegations."
Here's the story, your humble wordsmith almost feels like a sleaze repeating it as this kind of journalism sickens me along with the scandal-hungry gullible segment of the public who thinks in terms of "oh it must be" not what really is -- the hateful Kool-Aid brigade whose puny little excuses for an intellect live in the world of conspiracy theories and gossip. These sorry souls live in an alternate reality where Oliver Stone and Michael Moore on the left and talk show flame throwers like Michael Savage on the right form their piss poor excuse of a knowledge base. It's no surprise, though this story looks innocent enough on the surface, that NBC would give it press space. Sure there are probably other news outlets who carry it as well, but NBC looks particularly bad. Here's the story:
The American swimmer's superhuman performance has amazed many, but given the number of athletes who recently have been linked to doping, questions about how Phelps has produced such fast times are inevitable
Following his win in the 200m IM, Phelps emphatically denied using any performance-enhancing drugs.
"Anybody can say whatever they want, but I know I'm clean," Phelps said. "People can question it all they want, but the facts are the facts. I have the results to prove it."
He is taking part in "Project Believe," a U.S. Anti-Doping Agency volunteer initiative where athletes provide additional testing that is more frequent and more sophisticated than the usual regime of tests.
He is taking part in "Project Believe," a U.S. Anti-Doping Agency volunteer initiative where athletes provide additional testing that is more frequent and more sophisticated than the usual regime of tests.
This is the language direct from the story. This is all they offer. Tonight, it's a big story with no additional elucidation on SportsCenter, good old ESPN, the clearinghouse of all things in the sports world. At least to redeem itself, ESPN presented a thorough biographical segment going into the rigors of training Phelps has endured to prepare for his stunning accomplishments.
What's important here is not so much what is reported. It's what's not reported. Who is making the allegations? On what basis are they making the allegations? What evidence can they provide to support their conjecture?
Once again, at this point, all that we have to work from are logical fallacies. The first is since his performance is so dominant and recording breaking he must be using performance enhancing drugs. Facts: plenty of stories with cameras present and reporters witnessing have documented the extreme training program Michael Phelps. Phelps, together with his coach, Bob Bowman, have carefully studied the science of swimming to develop a training and nutrition program to achieve ultimate results. Along with Phelps exceptional results is an exceptional routine. What the Kool-Aid brigade can't accept that knowledge and hard work yields results. The other logical fallacy is found in the argument, that because a number of other record breaking performances were accomplished by athletes later found to dope up; therefore Phelps must be doping too. Sorry, Kool-Aid kiddies, the premise does not support the conclusion.
NBC and SportsCenter are both guilty of reporting pure conjecture as news. That so far, they haven't even produced the names of those who are suggesting Phelps has used drugs much less vetting these sources and substantiating their charges is shoddy dishonest journalism of the highest degree.
For the record, the article even concedes that Phelps participates in Project Believe, a program where participants volunteer to submit to even more testing to prove they are drug free.
Hard core, specific evidence that supports Michael Phelps is dope free. Idle, unsubstantiated conjecture suggests otherwise but still gets reported?
What do you believe? x
Here's some conjecture. Why would NBC repeat inflamatory gossip leveled against the true superstar, the best American performer, as the flagship network covering the Olympics? Is this just another extention of "hate all things American" undercurrent that is a platform so prevalent in left wing journalism of which the NBC/MSNBC consortium exhibits on a nightly basis? Why is NBC romanticizing the conduct of the Chinese hosts instead of practicing straight forward, present the facts, let the viewers draw the inferences style of journalism we should have a right to demand?
The problem is, once the gossip is out there, it never gets completely eradicated. There will always be enough of the "alternate reality - conspiracy theory" crowd who will at least keep these absurd questions coming up again and again in the mainstream.
What is is about the news media that NBC represents better than any other broadcast outlet that simply cannot tolerate that there are some true all-American success stories where hard work, intelligence, dedication, and a sense of purpose accomplishes amazing things?
It can't happen in their world. There always has to be something else.
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